Chapter 3: America

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England hadn't taken my advice and went along with his plan of inviting (Y/n) over to his house and since I was staying here for business reasons I was pulled into this plan too.

There was a knock at the door and England jumped out of his chair, almost spilling his tea. He opened the door and saw the butler that was sent to pick up (Y/n). England had wanted to pick her up himself but I reminded him about a meeting we had.

"Mr En-Arthur, the passenger has arrived." The butler said, welcoming (Y/n) inside. Her eyes lit up and her mouth hung open before she quickly shut it. She made eye contact with me and waved.

England came over to her and she broke eye contact. It really was her. The (h/l) (h/c) hair, the (e/c) eyes, the (s/c) skin. I stumbled backward and leaned against the wall.

What if she remembers that I nuked her? Japan didn't talk to me for years after I nuked him but we're friends now. Will she act the same way?

I took a deep breath and straightened myself back up. I fiddled with my tie and adjusted my glasses. England looked at me and then guided (Y/n) over to the table. (Y/n) sat down and stroked the expensive fabric.

"Ok, (Y/n) this is Alfred, he's my little brother. Alfred, this is (Y/n)." England introduced.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n)." I said, extending my hand. England said to be polite and refrain from eating burgers. (Y/n) smiled back and shook my hand.

"Same to you Alfred. Have we met before?" She asked. I tensed up. She squinted her eyes then smiled again. "Nevermind, that was a silly question."

I relaxed. England spoke, drawing the attention away from me.

"Do you want some tea?" He asked. I mentally gagged.

"Sure, earl gray please." (Y/n) replied.

"Just some soda. I'll get it myself." I said getting up out of my chair.

(Y/n) looked up at me and I awkwardly smiled. England stumbled around with the tea, being the cook he is.

"Let me handle the drinks." I sighed.

"That would be for the best." England said finally admitting that his cooking was crap. England went and sat back down next to (Y/n). I finished getting the drinks and put then down on the table. I took out a burger and started to devour it. England glared at me and I shrugged. I couldn't help myself. (Y/n) giggled.

(Y/n)'s eyes moved to the map that we hadn't touched since our argument.

"That's an old map you have there." (Y/n) commented. England nervously laughed.

"Yeah, I quite like it." England said.

"It's a bit ripped though, that's a shame." (Y/n) continued.

"Would you like a tour around the house?" England asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, of course!" (Y/n) replied.

"Would you like to join us Alfred?" England asked. I nodded.

England showed (Y/n) around the house and she was amazed at all of it. We soon arrived at the bedrooms. England stared at (Y/n)'s old room, he used to do that a lot back when I didn't remember (Y/n).

"What's in that room?" (Y/n) asked. England snapped out of his trance.

"N-Nothing." England replied. "Let's keep moving."

We walked away from the room and I peeked inside. My mind was flooded with memories. My eyes started watering I rubbed them so they weren't. I can see why England always stared at it.

I caught up with England and he was waiting by the bathroom.

"Is she having a bathroom break?" I asked. England nodded. I sighed and leaned against the door. My hands were shaking.

"You ok?" England asked. I looked at him and nodded. "I don't think you are. I can tell."

"Damn, you know me too well dude." I sighed. My hands were still shaking.

"Do you want to tell me after?" England asked. I nodded. I heard the doorknob click and (Y/n) came out.

"Are you guys ok? I can leave if you want." (Y/n) said. She fiddled with her top button.

"No it's ok. Don't worry about it." England replied. (Y/n) stoped fiddling with her button and it came loose exposing the top of her chest and I got a glimpse of a scar. I immediately went pale and started stumbling backward.

"A-alfred?" (Y/n) asked. England turned and looked at me as I ran out of the room.

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