Chapter 6: (Y/n)

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"O-ok. It was nice talking with you, (Y/n)." Matthew said as he got dragged out of the door by Francis.

"It was nice hanging out with you too." I replied.

"(Y/n) you're still here. I thought you left." Arthur said. "Well, I can't drop you off so you'll have to stay the night is that ok?"

"Yep, it's ok." I replied. Arthur led me to a room that looked really familiar. I got ready for bed and lay down staring at the ceiling remembering the weird dream I sometimes have about Matthew.

"Canada?" I ask no one in particular. My eyes flutter closed and sleep takes me.

I struggle in the ropes that tie me down to this hard, cold, wooden chair. I look around in the dark. Goosebumps appear on my skin due to the cold.

I hear footsteps coming down some stairs.

"W-who's there!" I shout. The footsteps get closer.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. (Y/n) you forgot? I thought you would've remembered since we've met so many times now." The voice said. The footsteps got louder and a figure came into the small amount of light coming in from the barred window. "It's me, Canada."

"Canada?" I asked. "I don't know a Canada."

Canada sighed.

"We've done this over and over." He said and he took out a knife. "You know why you're here."

"No, no I don't." I said. A knife was thrown right past me and cut the top of my shoulder. I yelped.

"You never seem to remember what you did so I'll keep doing this until you remember!" Canada shouted. "I'll kill you if I have to!"

"No! P-please. Please don't kill me." I cried. Tears fell out of my eyes.

"That's exactly what I said and you never listened!" Canada took another knife and threw it at me. He kept throwing more and more until there were knives all around me and blood pouring down my clothes. "Remember yet?"

"Please... stop!" I cried. I don't understand what I've done.

Canada brought up his leg and kicked me right in the face. He then started beating me. Canada then took out a gun and pointed it at me.

"I'll see you again." Canada said before pulling the trigger. Everything went black and I heard a British accent.

"You sorry excuse for a country." The British voice said.

My eyes shot open and I clutched my shoulder only to find no blood. My eyes bolted around the room and were wet from tears.

"Matthew?" I asked, confused. "C-Canada?"

I closed my eyes again but that dream couldn't get out of my head. I sat up and looked out the window. It was still dark out. I got out of bed and walked out to the garden. I saw a figure leaning against a fence. I went and joined them.

"Oh, (Y/n). Couldn't get to sleep?" A British voice said.

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream." I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The british voice that revealed itself to be Arthur's asked.

"It was about Matthew but he didn't say that was his name. He said he was Canada. But that's a country." I started. "He was beating me up and throwing knives at me. He said he was angry at me and that he would keep going until I remember. But I'm not sure what I'm trying to remember."

Arthur was silent but I was sure he was listening.

"He had tied me to a chair and I was in a dark room. The scary thing is that I've been having this dream long before I even met Matthew." I continued. I looked at Arthur.

Arthur looked at me and I couldn't read his face.

"I want to tell you something but I'm scared you wouldn't want to hear it." Arthur finally said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't say, sorry." Arthur leaned back on the fence again.

"No, please. I won't get angry. Promise."

"It's not your anger I'm worried about."

"Then, what is it?"

Arthur sighed.

"I need to discuss it with Alfred first." Arthur said. He started walking off.

"You were there as well, I think." I started again. "In my dream I mean."

Arthur slowed down but kept walking.

"You said I... I was a sorry excuse for a country." I finished. "Does that mean anything or is it just my brain being weird?"

Arthur stopped. He slowly turned around and I saw something glimmer in the moonlight as it slid down his cheek.

"It... was probably just your brain being weird." Arthur seemed to choke out. Then he turned and walked back into the house.

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