Chapter 12: England

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"America, get your lazy but out of bed right now! We've got another meeting today or have you forgotten!" I grumbled as I barged into America's room and threw off his blankets.

"Just 5 more minutes" America grumbled.

"I've given you half an hour and now you only have 15 minutes to get ready!"

"It's ok can do it in 2 minutes anyway."

"No, it's not. I am not expecting this behaviour in my house. Now get up!"

"Fine fine, I'll get up. Now get out of my room."

I huffed and walked out of America's room just to hear a knock at the door. I opened it expecting to see France and... um, what was the other one called again... oh nevermind, I'll remember it eventually. Instead I saw (Y/n) standing there, she had some red flowers in her hands and I couldn't help but blush.

"Oh erm, hey (Y/n) what brings you here?" I asked

"I thought I'd come around and make sure that you were ok. You know because of that thing that happened when I stayed over that time." (Y/n) said, obviously not wanting to bring up the 'incident' where I tried to bring back her memories.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry but I'm kind of busy today, but we can talk another time if you'd like?" I replied.

"Yes of course. Here you can have these flowers as an apology." She said giving me the flowers.

"A-an apology! But I'm the one supposed to be apologising." I replied, pushing the flowers back to her.

"Ok then, they're flowers for my forgiveness." She pushed the flowers back into my face and since I couldn't think of a reason to give them back to her I accepted them like the gentleman I was. "Erm, I noticed when you gave me a tour around your house that you had an amazing collection of books in one of your rooms. The library's kind of full so could I... uh... maybe..."

"Yes, yes. Come in you can have a look in my little book room if you'd like." I said, welcoming (Y/n) inside.

"Thank you very much Arthur! Don't worry I won't get in your way at all! You won't even know I'm here." She said as she positively bounced over to the book room. Just as she left the American in the house finally decided to wake up. He slowly walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looked in it, then closed it again without grabbing anything.

There was another knock at the door. I opened it and saw France standing there.

"Bonjour, Angleterre! Çava?" France asked, at least I think he asked. I refused to learn this toad's language. There was another person beside him, he looked vaguely like America. I still couldn't put my finger on who they were though but I knew it was on the tip of my tongue.

"What, the dudes are here already but I just got up!" America wined from behind me.

I sighed.

"Come on in you two." I said, letting the two inside the house.

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