Chapter 11: (Y/n)

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I lay on the couch, Garry had gotten sick so I let him have the bedroom all to himself. The couch wasn't that uncomfortable anyway, other than the fact it was a bit small for sleeping on but, what were you gonna do.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. One of my trusty headaches hit me just as I felt myself drift off.

I stay still knowing that struggling will do nothing. The ropes that tie me down to this hard, cold, wooden chair are too strong to break out of. I keep my view forward knowing there's nothing in this darkness. The cold air pricked at my skin.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I stay silent as the footsteps get closer.

"This is something new, staying silent for once. Have you finally remembered, did it only take this many times?" The voice said. The footsteps got louder and a figure came into the small amount of light coming in from the barred window. "Do you remember me, (Y/n)?"

"Canada" I said, coldly. Why was I being so cold, why did this whole situation unfaze me? I've never been here before! "What are you up to today?"

"This is quite exciting! I'm not sure what to do now that you remember" Canada said and he took out his knife. "Why don't we just do the usual."

"Sure, I'll wake up from here anyway." I said as the knife was thrown past me and cut the top of my shoulder.

"I still can't believe you remember! I've been at this for forever now and you finally remember, I'm so glad I stayed persistent after all these years." Canada shouted, a smile spread across his face."Now I can finally give you what you deserve with you remembering every reason why you deserve it!"

"It wasn't you who did this idiot. It was England, he's the one who restored my memories." I said, still as cold as last time. Why was I talking about England? Who even is he? England is a country not a person right? And what memories were restored I don't remember anything new!

"Idiot?! You're calling me the idiot?! You're the one who didn't remember, or have you forgotten that? Do I have to torture you for a few more years to make sure you remember that you forgot about me, about everyone you hurt!" Canada took another knife and threw it at me. He kept throwing more and more until there were knives all around me and blood pouring down my clothes. "I'm not the only one, what about your comrades? Your enemies? England?"

"Yes, I'm well aware of all of those that I killed and that's why I'm going to stay here with you so that it never happens again" I said, my voice barely holding any emotion at all. I don't remember killing or hurting anyone, why would I do that. Yeah sure some people can be utterly annoying but I'd never go that far. And what do I mean by staying here. I don't want to stay here, it's scary!

Canada brought up his leg and kicked me right in the face. He then started beating me. Canada then took out a gun and pointed it at me.

"I think I've had my fun for today, wouldn't you agree?" Canada said before pulling the trigger. Everything went black.

Then the blackness faded into a field of red flowers. I stood there, it was beautiful. I noticed another person in the field, they stood there as if they were a stone statue, motionless.

I walked up to them and tapped them on the shoulder, they still didn't move. I tapped them again and they turned around and looked at me.

They were wearing a dirtied and bloodied army uniform. Their eyes were the same (e/c) as mine but their's looked much more colder and emotionless. They held no smile, no frown, no grimace, on their face. They just looked at me and I looked at them. Their (h/l) (h/c) hair blew in the wind, as did mine.

"H-hi." I greeted. "W-who are you?"

I didn't get a reply for a few moments but then the person parted their lips and said...

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