Chapter 19: (Y/n)

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It was weird entering my room again because all the memories I had had in here were still there, like how when I was younger I stuck stickers all over the walls to decorate the room but then they got stuck there and England couldn't get them off so we had to repaint the whole room. Some of the stickers created bumps in the walls but all records of stickers being on the walls were gone, because it never happened. It was also weird because I have memories of walking into here thinking it was just an ordinary spare bedroom but it was not.

I flopped onto the bed and sighed. Why did I agree to this, I already felt the dread leaking into my head.

I started unpacking my things from my bag and started (Y/n)inning up the room. Then I caught sight of a familiar American and he caught sight of me because I was not smart enough to keep the door closed. I flinched as we made eye contact. I wasn't ready to ask for forgiveness yet, I wasn't ready.

"(Y-Y/n) what are you doing back?" America asked. Should I play dumb and pretend I haven't gotten my memories back? I need to think of an answer. Think (Y/n) think!

"Oh, uh. Y'know just coming over to stay for a bit. Hahaha." I replied. That was the worst excuse in the history of people who haven't done their homework. "What are you still doing here Ameri-Alfred... haha... aren't you supposed to be heading home?"

"Did you just call me America?" America asked.

"No?" I awkwardly replied. "Haha."

"Do England get your memories back?"

"Uh, no? I mean uh.... who's England... haha.... haha... ha... ugh... y-yeah, I've got my memories back. You can punish me however you want for being a dumb potato for starting a war over something as dumb as wanting to show how powerful I was."

"P-punish you? No, no, no. I'm the one who should be apologising. I-I'm the one who bombed you, remember. You should be punishing me instead, dude."

"What?" I never expected to be the one forgiving someone else. "No, that's not right. You had every right to drop that bomb on me. I forgive you, but ultimately I should be the one apologising. I-I'm so sorry America for causing you to have to resort to such ways and I'm sorry for being a dummy and an egg and an idiot all at once. You don't have to forgive me, I understand. What I did is pretty much unforgivable."

"Y-you're not mad at me dudette?" America asked, shock in his voice.

"Why would I be mad at you, it was completely my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so-"

"Woah, woah, dudette calm down. I forgive you it's ok." America cut me off.

"Y-you do?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course I do. We all do dumb things we wish we hadn't. It's ok."

"T-thank you America. I feel much better now."

"No problem dudette, that's why I'm the hero!" America shouted, he then walked off happily. Obviously glad that he had got that off his chest. Canada would be a lot harder I'm sure. I glanced over at Mr Monsieur lying on my bed. I can do this.

I was almost finished unpacking my things when there was a knock at my door, that I finally decided to close.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's England, love." I heard a British voice call from the other side.

"Oh uh, yeah come on in." I replied. The door creaked open and England stepped inside.

"France is coming over today to hang out, I don't know why he thought it would be a good idea but he's doing it anyway and he's probably going to bring the other person with him. Um... what was his name again... uh..." England started.

"C-Canada?" I suggested.

"Yes, Canada. So if you don't want to talk to them yet then that's ok, you can just stay in here and give me a ring if you need anything."

"N-no it's ok. It's probably better I apologise now than wait for ages. P-plus it's like hitting two birds with one stone." I had gained a little bit more confidence since my apology had gone so well with America.

"Alright then love. If that's what you want to do. I'll be in the lounge." England said, then he left.

I quickly scanned the room and saw Mr Monsieur. I picked the soft toy up and carried him out into the lounge. I sat and watched some TV with America as England tried to do some cooking and everything just felt right. That was until there was a knock on the door and I felt the dread hit me like a bird hits a window.

"You can do this dudette and if you need any help, fear not because I'm the hero!" America shouted. I smiled.

"Thanks America." I said.

France and Canada walked inside and I immediately avoided eye contact. I looked at Canada's shoes awkwardly and I could feel him stare back at me. He seemed to be trembling and I probably would've done the same if I saw my kidnapper standing in front of me.

"Uh..." I tried to speak but I couldn't think of any words to say and neither could anyone else. I looked up briefly and made eye contact with Canada. His eyes seemed to widen in fear and I looked over to France who wore an unreadable expression. "Um... I-I'm so sorry about everything I did, you don't have to forgive me and I understand if you d-don't because I was being stupid. I... I hope that we can at least live like acquaintances but we don't have to if you d-don't feel comfortable."

I gulped and started walking over to Canada. He stepped backward. I pulled Mr Monsieur from behind my back and offered him to Canada.

"H-he doesn't have a maple leaf on him b-but I thought he might remind you about all the good things we did together even if they don't outweigh the bad. I-I'm so sorry."

Canada looked at me for a few moments and then cautiously took Mr Monsieur out of my hands.

"T-thanks." He murmured. "I don't think I can f-forgive you just yet but I think I'll come around... eventually."

"Thank you Canada." I smiled and was about to jump and give him a hug but thought better of it and just stayed where I was. "W-what about you France?"

"Oui, you have my forgiveness mademoiselle." France said.

"Thank you France." I smiled even wider. D-do you two want to watch some TV with America and I?"

"Sure why not." France said walking over toward the TV. I looked over at Canada who nervously nodded and quickly trailed behind France.

We all sat and watched TV for most of the day which England found rather ungentlemanly but America loved it. England sat next to America on one of the couches and France and Canada on another. I sat by myself on another couch but it was ok, there was more space that way. It was an overall pretty enjoyable day.

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