Chapter 2: England

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We walked for a while until we got to a forest area. I was expecting a lovely mansion, cottage thing but instead I see an old, broken down, cottage-shed. I almost stop in my tracks.

"Tada!" (Y/n) said with her hands up in the air like jazz hands. "Home sweet home!"

"This place is..." I trailed off.

"It's not the best. We know." (Y/n) said sadly. "But the house pricing is pretty expensive in these parts. Still, nobody lives this bad."

"I was going to say it looks... different." I replied. "Very different."

(Y/n) led me inside and showed me around, the inside was definitely better than the outside. There was a lovely table with a set of chairs, a cozy little kitchen and a cobweb filled fireplace. Garry flopped onto a couch that looked like the cushioning was falling out and someone tried to fix it by poorly stitching up the holes.

"This is it. The bedroom is over there and the bathroom over there." (Y/n) said. She sat on a stool and dragged out a chair for me. "Now let's tell each other about ourselves."

"Uh, well. My name is E-Arthur. I come from london." I started. (Y/n)'s eyes began to twinkle.

"London! I've always wanted to visit London but... as you can see... we're kind of broke." (Y/n) said excitedly, slowly losing excitement as she talked.

Garry had went and made us some tea.

"What kind of tea would you like?" Garry asked.

"You like earl gray tea, right?" (Y/n) asked.

"Y-yeah." I replied. How did she know? Are some of her previous memories coming back to her?

"I thought so. Two earl grays please." (Y/n) asked. Garry nodded. (Y/n) looked back at me and smiled. She then clutched at her head and groaned.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked. (Y/n) waves her hand in front of her.

"I-it's nothing. This just happens sometimes." She replied. Her headache seemed to stop after that and we were given our tea. "So where abouts in London do you live?"

"Oh, I live close to the queen's palace." I replied then I realized my mistake.

"Wow! That's such a rich area! You must have so much money!" (Y/n) said. "Now I feel bad for making you stay here in this dusty old place."

"N-no! This place is lovely. It's fine, don't worry about it." I said waving my hands around in front of me. (Y/n) sighed.

"If you say so." Her eyes then lit up with an idea. "Ooooh, how about we have a look at your house next time!"

"Oh, uh, ok." I said.

"Yay!" (Y/n) cheered.

I spent the rest of the day at (Y/n)s house and then left waving them goodbye. She asked if I could pick her up next week and take her round to my place. I agreed and went off to my car. I hopped in and drove back to london.

When I got home I looked at my old map. It had (Y/n)s country right next to mine, how it was supposed to be. The new maps got rid of (Y/n)s country and just made it another part of England instead. I sighed and walked to my room.

"Hey dude!" America said, jumping out of his room.

"Aahhh! America what are you doing! You're supposed to be asleep!" I shouted.

"I'm a grown man now! I can sleep whenever I want. Plus I wanted to know where you went, you were gone for quite a while." America said wriggling his eyebrows.

"I was just hanging out with a friend." I replied. America buckled over.

"Good joke man! Did you forget? You have no friends!" America laughed. I shook my head.

"Every gentleman needs at least one friend." I replied and pushed past him to my room.

"What were you doing with this said friend?" America asked, still wriggling his eyebows.

"None of your business!" I replied slamming my door.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep knowing (Y/n) was still out there and hadn't faded away. But is she still immortal?

As the sun shone in through my curtains. I woke up and got ready for the day. I walked into the lounge and saw America fiddling around with my map.

"Hey! America what are you doing!" I shouted from across the room. I ran toward him and started wrestling the map out of his hands.

"Wow, England! I'm just updating your map. This one's like a bazillion years old. You always used to update the map but then you just stopped after a while so I was going to do it." America replied, fighting against my grip.

"There's no need!" I said as I wrestled him to the ground and pinned him there. I looked to see if my map was intact but (Y/n) country was torn in two. I stood and touched the wall a tear fell down my face. I turned to America who was staring at me in confusion. I walked toward him and pulled him up by his collar.

"Don't you understand! It's the only thing I have left of hers and now you went and ripped it! You ripped it!" I shouted at him letting my anger get the better of me. I pressed him up against the wall as more tears came out of my eyes. "She doesn't remember me God dammit! I just wanted things to be how they were supposed to be but they couldn't so now I have to find a way around it and you just broke the only thing I have to hold onto. You ripped it just like how I tore her out of existence!"

I dropped America and crumbled to the floor with my head in my hands. America looked at me even more confused.

"(Y/n)?" He asked. "Is that her name?"

How did he know he would've never met her.

"How did you know?" I asked looking back at him, my eyes puffy.

"You talk in your sleep." America replied.

An idea popped into my head. I took a piece of chalk out of my pocket and scribbled a magic circle on the floor. I said the magic word and carried the magic from my hands and into America's head. America jolted backward and then rubbed his head. A tear fell out of his eye.

"(Y/n)" He whispered. America looked over at the map. "W-what happened.?"

America looked down at the new map he was holding and had a quick check. (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the rip in the old map.

"England, I... I'm so sorry. I forgot and... (Y/n)" America continued.

"America, it's ok. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you." I replied. I painfully stared at the map and sighed.

"Why didn't you restore my memories earlier?" America asked.

"She didn't want you to remember." I said quietly. America looked down at the ground.

"You need to let go. She probably doesn't want you to dwell on this." America said, trying to comfort me.

"You know how I was gone today. You won't believe it but I saw her. She was here and I went to her house and she thought she recognized me which means her memories must be behind a wall like yours were." I celebrated.

"England." America looked at me sorrowfully. "You can't bring back her memories. She doesn't want to do that, it's like bringing her back to her worst memories. Let her live a new life."

I didn't realize America was filled with such good advise but...

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