Chapter 13: Canada

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When the meeting was about to begin everyone walked inside but just like last time, the door was shut in front of my face. I tried to open it but they had already locked it.

I looked around the now empty lounge. I wonder if (Y/n) was here today? She probably wasn't but I decided to look anyway. I heard mumbling coming from a room that looked almost like a library, there were so many books there it was quite astonishing. There were magic books although I doubt any of them actually did any magic and there were fictional books, non fiction books. Just any kind of book really.

That's when I bumped into a (h/c) haired woman.

"Ah Canada!" (Y/n) screamed, fear shot through her as she jumped backward.

"C-Canada?" I asked, bewildered as to how she knew my actual name.

"Oh, sorry Matthew, I thought you were someone else." She said catching her breath. I too let out a breath. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm here for another meeting." I said. "Although they kind of... well..."

"Did they lock you out again?" She asked. I nodded. It was strange how (Y/n) never seemed to forget about me. I mean, humans didn't forget about me as much as my fellow countries but, they still tend to not know who I am. (Y/n) though, she seemed to never forget.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm just looking for some books. Arthur has a huge collection."

"Yeah, he does."

"There are so many to choose from? Do you want to join me on some reading?"

"Of, course! I'm not really sure what else I'd do if I'm being honest."

(Y/n) sat down on one of the tables in the middle of the room and placed her pile of books down and took a notepad out of her bag.

"Shall I get Mr Monsieur to join us?" (Y/n) asked. I laughed.

"No, I think it'll be just fine if it were just the two of us." I replied, sitting down on the opposite side of the table with a basic fictional book. "I see you're into the dark arts."

"Huh?" (Y/n) asked as she looked up from her pile of books. My attempt at a joke went over her head.

"The dark arts, y'know. Magic." I said pointing to the books she had, each one of them on some type of magic.

"Oh yeah, haha." She awkwardly laughed and then went back to her reading although to me I would say it was more, intense studying. She was flicking through the different books, obviously trying to find something while she scribbled notes into her notepad.

I went back to my book and read a few more pages. It was quite boring, I could predict pretty much everything that would happen, that's what happened when you read the basic, uses pretty much every single thing the other book uses except the characters have different names and they're on this other planet but ultimately has the same storyline, book.

To be honest (Y/n)'s mumbling was much more interesting to listen to. It was like there were two sides of a discussion talking to each other but they were in the same body.

"Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing."

"No you're in the right section, I remember it's around here somewhere."

"Ok, if you say so."

"Ah, here it is. The spell that regains another person's memory based on what you remember."

"I thought we were looking for things on reincarnation and other information about countries and weird stuff like that."

"Yeah, we're looking for that too but we also need things to see if we can undo the spell."

"Why would we want to do that?"

"That's none of your concern."

"What do you mean it's none of your concern."

"Exactly what it sounds like."

"Fine, but surely you don't want to forget anything."

"Trust me, there are some things you don't want to remember."

I stood up from my chair and poked (Y/n) on the shoulder.

"Hey, wanna go grab some lunch?" I asked.

"Huh, what, Mathew, Huh?" (Y/n) asked.

"Are you hungry? We should get some lunch." I repeated.

"Oh, yeah. We should. Actually I want to try something." (Y/n) said flicking back through one of the magic books. "There was this spell that I saw back here that can turn your blood into a meal."


(Y/n) quickly found the page and started drawing some kind of magic circle.

"Y'know, I doubt any of the spells in that book would actually work." I commented.

(Y/n) placed one of her hands out onto the circle and took out a pocket knife.

"Woah, (Y/n) you're not actually planning on..." I was cut short when she cut down her hand and let the blood drip onto the table, she whispered something and then there was a flash and there was food on the table.

"Ouch, what the heck came over me. Why would I do something like that!" (Y/n) asked herself. "Sorry Matthew but I'm going to bandage up my hand for being a dumb potato."

"Uh, yeah sure." I said. (Y/n) walked out of the room as she clutched her hand. I looked back at the food she created. Was it edible, I mean she made it out of her own blood so you wouldn't think so but it's magic.

I looked through the magic books. I couldn't even understand what half of it even meant, it was either in a different language or the words were too complicated for me to understand. How did (Y/n) even figure out how to do that?

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