Chapter 6~Promoted

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I walk down the corridors, back to my room to do whatever until Phil comes back, but I'm delayed by a certain someone.

"Callie, I need to speak with you," Fury's voice echoes down the hall from behind. I turn around, thinking I've screwed something up.

"Yes, Director?" I ask innocently, intertwining my fingers behind my back.

"I was wondering if you would like to become an agent," his statment is plain and clear. He places his hands on my shoulders.

"You've already had training from Agent Romanoff, you know this place like the back of your hand, and you have your own personal weapon," he says, holding out an almost identical lightsaber hilt to me. My eyes widen.

"Is this the real one?" I whisper in awe, holding my hand out. Nick raises a finger, holding the hilt just out of my reach.

"I need you to agree to being an agent," he states.

Okay, so I have to choose if I want to be working for Fury. I'll have a code name and be saving the world. It

"It'd be an honor," I decide. I unclip the prototype from my belt, holding it out for Fury. He takes it, about to hand me the new and improved weapon.

"You'll need a code name," he tells me. I bite the inside of my cheek. This has to be a good name. One that would stick. I finally let my breath out.

"Tempest," I choose. Fury gives me a single nod at my choice.

"Well then, Agent Tempest. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.," a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, handing me my new weapon. I clip it gingerly onto my belt, watching Fury walk away with his black trench coat billowing out slightly behind him.

"Training starts tomorrow," he orders over his shoulder.


I get back to my room and find absolutely nothing to do. Nevertheless, I turn on my 40s tunes and open up my new sword. The blade and handle, if possible, feel even lighter. A real connection pulses through this one, like it is my teammate. I glance over to myself in the mirror.

I hold a dangerous beam of pure, indestructible energy in my right hand. My small, agile frame is nothing compared to some agents such as Natasha. My long, high brown ponytail cascades softly from my head. My hair is short. My jawline looks like it could cut someone, and the rest of my face is just, well, my face. Nothing special.

Suddenly, I feel the need to do something. I spin it around, with the blue blur of light humming through the air. The move is something even Clint can't pull off (and that's saying something), as it spins faster and faster. I twirl it one-handed, in front and behind me, raising it above my head and turning whilst I twirl it like a baton. I end the move with a flick of my wrist. Did I just do that?


For the next few hours, I try out different moves, this time not looking at the TV. I find out I can do all of these cool spins and twirls as my lightsaber whizzes around me. It's almost as if I had studied this art for my whole life.

Finally, I hear the sound of a jet landing on the dock, so I clip my hilt back on and run as fast as I can to see if it is Phil or Nat. I burst out on the top of the helicarrier and see Nat and a middle-aged man standing next to her. She is explaining something to him when I walk over to welcome her back.

"Hey, Nat. How was it?" I smile, giving her a hug. She gives me a slight smile.

"Interesting," she smirks, looking at the man. I turn to him. He has soft brown eyes and messy brown hair. I hold out my hand shyly.

"And you are..." I hesitate.

"Dr. Bruce Banner," he introduces, "you can call me Bruce, though."

I smile. He seems very fatherly.

"Nice to meet you," I say. "I'm Agent Callie Jones."

It feels good to be able to say that. I hear another jet coming, and I look upwards, shielding my eyes as the sun peeked out behind a few clouds. The jet lands, and Phil strides out with a big, muscular man watching from the ramp.

I rush over to Phil, high-fiving him.

"You will never guess what Fury just  gave me," I smile mischieviously. Phil eyes me.

"He didn't," he sighs playfully, looking at my lightsaber.

"Oh, yes he did," I smile.

"Agent Jones, otherwise known as the 'Tempest'," I give my new nickname in air quotes. Phil performs a slight victory fist pump.

"Welcome to the team," he places a hand on my shoulder, turning me around to introduce me to the man walking down the ramp. Why does he look so familier?!

"Callie," Phil began. "I'd like you to meet-"

"Steve," the man interrupts, holding out his hand. "Captain Steve Rogers." I shake his big hand, looking into his deep blue eyes. Wait, Captain?! I feel myself staring a bit too long.

"Nice to meet you," I recover, blushing from embarrassment. They both chuckle.

"You are Captain America, right?" I confirm cautiously.

Steve nods, smiling.

"That's me," he says a bit shyly.

"Calliope Jones, but you can call me Callie," I shrug, smiling.


A.N- Hello again! Thanks for over 50 reads, it may not sound like much but it means a lot to me. I hope you guys keep reading, because now that Steve's in the picture, we can get down to business! Happy reading!

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