Chapter 24~Avengers Assemble

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☆Callie's POV☆

Another unearthly groan rings through the city, and I feel them all coming. At least five more of the metallic monsters emerges from the portal, replacing the one we had just taken down.

"Guys," Nat warns, following my gaze up. Everyone else looks up too, and I feel a wave of doubt wash over the group. Can we do this?

"Call it, Captain," Tony's robotic voice hands the stage to Steve.

"Alright, listen up," Steve says, keeping his eyes glued on the portal. I can feel him thinking a plan. I'm going to have to get used to all of these powers that gives me insight on how people are feeling and thinking.

"Until we close that portal up there, we need to contain it. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything; call out patterns and strays. Stark-" Tony's metal head focuses on Steve.

"-you've got the perimeter. If anything gets more than three blocks out you turn it back or turn it to ash," Steve orders, pulling his eyes off of the scene above.

"Give me a lift?" Barton asks. Tony nods once.

"Right. Better clench up Legolas," and with that, Clint and Tony shoot into the air. I snicker at Tony's remark.

"Thor," Steve continues. "You've gotta bottleneck that portal. You've got the lightning- light the bastards up."

Thor swings his hammer fast, rocketing up into the sky to follow Steve's orders. Nat stands, unblinking, ready for orders as usual.

"We'll keep the fighting here," Steve addresses the two of us, then turns to Hulk.

"And Hulk," he adds, thinking of an order he'll understand. His green head whips around.

"Smash," Steve points at him. The Hulk smirks, and leap up, attacking any hovercrafts or Chitauri in his way. I smile. Bruce is defenitly in there somewhere.

I hear the thunder gather and turn to see Thor clinging to the Empire State Building, his hammer making the sky spark. Lightning erupts over the tower, and he thrusts it all at the portal, forcing one of the monster's back up through the rift.

We continue to attack the aliens. Nat struggles with a certain one on a car, and I'm in a lock with one of them, and I slice their weapon in half, Force pushing them away. We hear a thud behind us, and Nat and I spin around, weapons at the ready, only to see Steve standing there. Nat has a gash on her head, and I have a deep cut across my cheek. We lower our weapons and Steve walks up to us, his shield is scratched with black marks. We are breathing heavily, and Nat leans against a taxi, catching her breath.

"No matter what we do down here it won't mean anything if we don't close that portal," Nat wheezes, turning her head skyward. Steve and I look up at the black portal as well. I thump down on the taxi next to Nat, raising my hand to my cheek. I pull it away, and my fingers are bloody. I wipe them on my pants.

"Our guns can't touch it," Steve points out.

"Well maybe it's not about guns," I breathe, looking at Nat. Steve looks at me, them at Nat, who throws down the alien scepter thing and gives herself some good running distance.

"If you wanna get up there, you'll need a ride," Steve surveys all the Chitauri jumping off of the hovercrafts.

"I've got a ride," Nat gets ready to run. "I could use a boost, though," she addresses the both of us. I look skward, standing next to Steve, then get my senses ready to boost Nat skyward.

"You sure about this?" I ask her. She glances up quickly, calculating her move as the hovercrafts whizz above.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," she says, sarcasm dripping in her voice. I get ready to power her up. She takes a deep breath, and sprints a few steps, hopping up on a car, then Steve gets his shield ready. Nat jumps on the shield, and I connect my mind to her balance as she is rocketed skyward, doing a fancy twist. I steady her, and she snags the bottom of a hovercraft and zips away. I feel her gain her balance, and I disconnect the Force.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," I admit. Steve nods, panting from the effort of giving Nat the boost.

A blast dislodges part of the stone railing next to us, and I raise my hand incase I need to deflect anything. I see more Chitauri advancing on us, making throaty noises as they fire. Oh joy, I think. Here we go again.
A.N- Yay! More fighting! I was wondering if any of you guys watched Agent Carter. If you don't, it's really good! Happy Reading and thank you for all the votes!!

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