Chapter 23~All Yours

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☆Steve's POV☆

I'm slightly nervous letting Callie run off in the heat of battle to give the orders to the police officers, but the rest of us are occupied. I hack away at any alien with my shield, throwing in a few punches and kicks. Nat finds out that bullets don't do any damage, so she drops her gun and swaps it for an alien gun.

Every alien in our little area soon lays dead on the ground, but it won't stay like this for long. The hovercrafts keep zooming overhead.

Callie suddenly jumps up over the railing, a deep cut in her left arm and nicks on her face. Otherwise, she looks like she can take on the whole world. And she is.

"Nothing left for me?" She asks, sounding almost disappointed, hooking her lightsaber on her belt. Her tone of voice makes me crack a smile across my slightly cut face.

Her question is met with an unearthly screech. Behind one of the beaten taxis is a lone Chitauri, challenging Callie by the looks of how it moves. I give her a sideways glance, and she meets my gaze.

"He's all yours," I say, stepping back. She shrugs, smiling, and turns to attack the alien. I imagine her yanking out her lightsaber, spinning it with calculated moves, and slicing it's head clean off. What she does is so unexpected.

Callie stands there, maybe thirty feet from the alien and flicks her hand. The alien jerks backward violently, flying through the air and smashing into the wall of a building with a sickening crack. I wince, but I smile too, glad Callie is on our side.

"Nice one," Clint remarks. Nat has a grin on her face, blood oozing out of her lip.

Suddenly, more Chitauri drops from the sky, making us all get into a stance. Callie whips out her lightsaber for this round, the blade humming. Before we can attack any of them, a branch of white lightning crackles down from the sky, electrifying any alien within a block.

Thor lands shakily, clutching his side.

"What's the story upstairs?" I ask him as Thor approachs me steadily, despite his awkward landing.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," he says in his heavy accent.

"Thor's right, we need to deal with these guys," I hear Stark voice over my earpiece.

"How do we do this?" Callie wonders, lowering her weapon.

"As a team," I declare. Natasha nods in agreement with me.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor spits. Clint snorts, twirling one of his black arrows.

"Yeah? Well get in line," he scoffs.

"Save it," I break up the arguement. "Loki's gonna keep his fleet focused on us and that's what we need," I begin, walking between our small group of heros. "We got Stark up top, he's gonna..." I trail off at the sound of a motercycle engine behind me.

We all look for the source of the sound curiously, and see a beat up Harley rolling towards us, with Bruce Banner sitting atop it. He gets off as we all approach him briskly. Bruce puts his hands in his pockets.

"Well, this all seems...horrible," he stresses.

"I've seen worse," Natasha inclines her head at him. He smiles apologetically.


"No, we could use a little worse," she returns the smile slightly.

"Stark, we've got him," I report to Tony.


"Just like you said."

"Well, tell him to suit up," Tony sounds like he's thinking quickly. "I'm bringing the party to you."

A groan comes from the building at the end of the block in front of us. I see a small, red and gold man zoom around the corner, heading straight for us. The giant, metallic reptilian monster follows, cutting through the building's corner, glass and debris raining down in a cloud of thick smoke.

Thor readies his hammer, Clint his bow, and Callie twirls her saber. I get my shield ready to defend. The beast is growing closer, and bigger too.

"I-I don't see how that's a party," Natasha remarks smartly as Tony and the beast grow closer. Tony flies lower, and the beast skims just above the pavement, smashing through cabs and statues. Bruce begins walking calmly towards the incoming skeletal monster.

"Dr. Banner," I say quickly, taking a step forward. "Now might be a good time to get angry." Bruce looks back at us.

"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry."

With that, Bruce morphs into the green rage monster known as the Hulk, and leaps at the metal beast, smashing it's nose into the pavement with an ear-deafening roar. The monster coils up on itself, rising high into the sky, splitting open.

"Hold on," Tony says, and he aims a missile into the monster's soft spot. I grab Callie and we duck under my shield as it explods, metal and debris falling from the sky. The now dead monster slides over the balcony, crashing down in to the streets below. All of the commotion in the city seems to stop, and the Chitauri bellows loudly, ripping off their masks.

Everyone gets in a circle, protecting each other. We are finally a team, assembling to stop an unearthly force. This is how Agent Coulson would have wanted us to work. We are the Avengers now.
A.N- I really love action sequences!  I'm sorry about the late update, I had a concert tonight. Happy Reading!

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