Chapter 28~Post Battle

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☆Callie's POV☆

Despite all the cleaning up that has taken up the rest of the few days, we, as in the Avengers; we are taking a few days off.

It feels amazing to wash off the memories of the battle, and everyone receives medical attention the second we get back. My arm is stitched up, but I ask the doctors to let the gashes on my back leave scars. They ask why, and I tell them this:

"I hate needles."

They let me go after some protests, since they aren't so bad.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has now gone public, and we are no longer a secret intelligence agency. The whole world knows about us, but we still try to lay low. Fury accepts to have our new headquarters built in Washington, DC. It will be called the Trisklion, and I got to see the blueprint for it. I can't wait to see it finished.


That night, I decide to dance one last time on the helicarrier before tomorrow's big departure.

I step into my studio, the feeling of calm washing over me as I sit down in the middle of the room. I notice that all of my tap shoes on the shelf have fallen off, probably from when the helicarrier's engines failed. It all feels so long ago, yet it was just a few days past.

I ignore the slight ache in my back as I bend over to tie up my tap shoes. As I finish tugging them tight, I hear footsteps come in. I glance up and see Steve stride in and sit next to me on the floor. I look at our reflection in the mirror. We both look like we have been through hell, and frankly, if you ask me, we have.

"How's your back?" He asks me. I shrug, twisting my head back to look at my reflection in the mirror behind me.

"They still ache," I admit. He nods.

"So, you gonna show me your best moves?" He smirks, getting up and sitting himself on the stool. I smile.

"Mayyyybe," I smile slyly. He gestures to the floor.

"It's all yours," he says. I remember back to him saying that to me at the Battle of New York, which is what we all call it. I take a deep breath as I step over a bit, the sounds of my shoes pleasant. I shake out my arms, trying to loosen up.

"I might not be as good as I usually am," I admit, walking over to the stereo.

"Does it really matter?" Steve's voice echoes. I choose my song carefully.

"Oh, and one more thing," Steve adds before I can play my song.

Suddenly, through the door comes Thor, Bruce, Clint, Nat, Fury, Pepper and Tony. My mouth drops as they walk across the floor and sit down in front of my shelf.

"I-I don't know if I can do this," I stutter, suddenly super nervous. "I've never danced in front of a crowd before."

"Just do what you do best," Fury tells me. I sigh, looking through my disc to see what song I want to dance to.
Perfect, I decide as I hit the play button for Queen Bee by Rochelle Diamante.

The beat comes on right on cue as I let my heart whisk me across the dance floor, my muscles contracting to keep my body balanced. I execute split jumps, intricate time steps, and I do some basic pirouettes, and lots footwork. I even add some sassy moves, like snaps and hip checks, getting whistles from Nat and Tony. That's just who they are.

I get ready for my toe spins. I get up on my toes, upper body tight, and I travel across the floor towards my audience, letting myself come out naturally, and on the last beat of the song, I slide into a full middle split, my elbows and stomach on the floor.

Everyone claps as I sit up, just in a regular straddle. It's my most comfortable split.

"That is something we do not have in Asgard," Thor comments. I smile. I think that is a compliment.

"Thanks," I say to them all. "I'm not the most keen one to dance in front of people."

"You are too good to keep a secret," Steve admits, then hands me a small wrapped box.

"What's this?" I wonder, but Steve just gestures me to open it. I rip off the wrapping paper gently, and a shiny silver box is there. I pop the top open and gasp at what is inside.

A delicately made gold key is attached to a little gold chain. Little gems are embedded into the design, and I look at it with gratitude.

"Just a little something from all of us," Fury nods towards it. "We're all glad you're here with us now."

"Its...guys, thank you!" I stand up and hug everyone in a group hug.

"Glad you like it. I thought I could give you something to help you feel better," Bruce admits. I smile at him as Tony clips it around my neck.

"It looks beautiful on you," Nat gets up as everyone makes their way out, congratulating me and telling me to keep up the good work.

"What are your plans while the Trisklion is being built?" I ask Steve, looking at the necklace. It hangs perfectly. He sighs as Bruce closes the door behind him, leaving just the two of us again.

"Fury wants most of us to go undercover, so I was thinking of moving up somewhere in Massachusetts," he watches me sit down and untie my shoes.

"What about you?" He asks. I shrug. I never really thought about it until now.

"I have no one to live with. Fury can't take me in, with all of the projects going on," reality suddenly hits me hard. What am I going to do?

"Well," Steve begins. "I can adopt you."

My mouth drops open in shock. I've never been truly claimed by anyone since my parents died.

"You want to adopt me?" I ask, baffled. Steve smiles, putting his arm around me as we walk over to the door.

"It'd be fun! On one condition, though," Steve stops me.


"You have to get an education."

"What? But I'm a genius!" I protest.

"Hey, you have to listen to me, now," Steve jokes around. I blow a piece of hair out of my face.

"You haven't adopted me yet," I warn. We laugh.

Suddenly, Tony and Pepper walk back into the room. They come over, handing me an invatation.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be a bridesmaid at our wedding," she asks. I gasp with excitment.

"It'd be an honor!" I explain, hugging her gently. I feel her happiness emitting from her.

"Well," Tony claps his hands. "It's time to send the Asgardians home."

"I'll be right there, just, give me a minute," I tell them, gesturing for them to continue without me. They do, and I'm left alone in my studio. I walk over to my shelf, taking each pair of shoes off carefully, placing them in my bag. I look around one last time, and walk out back to my room.


I slip into a pair of skinny jeans and lace up my leather boots. I apply a little bit of mascara and I pull my hair back into a high ponytail. I throw on a leather jacket over a light blue shirt. I look at myself in the mirror. My last day on the helicarrier.

I pack my Captain America merchandise, clothes, and the rest of my belongings into a duffle bag. I take a deep breath and walk out of what has been my home for the past few years.
A.N- Just wanted to thank you all once again for all the looks and votes. It means so much! I hope you guys are enjoying this. The book has 31 chapters, so it is, sadly, almost done. I am kind of stuck on what to do for the sequel to this book, so after this is done, I don't know what to do. We will see what happens though. Happy Reading!

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