Chapter 9~First Training Session

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☆Cal's POV☆

"Jones! It's parry, thrust, then backstab," Fury corrects for the 15th time. I sigh, frustrated, looking around me at everyone else working.

Steve is boxing against Tony, giving him no sympathy.

Nat throws knives at the dummies, looking almost bored.

Bruce is the only one who isn't here. Apparently he is working hard in the lab. I take a sip of water, holding my lightsaber in my hand. My knee still tingled from my painful crash with the floor earlier this morning.

For the past five hours, I have been getting the basics down with the weapon. It just isn't working for me. I don't feel that connection that I had in my room when I first got it.

"Director, may I try a few moves of my own?" I grit my teeth. Fury steps back and gives me the floor. I inhale deeply, trying to get that connection with my weapon again.
There! I feel it. I let it build, and I begin my twirling. Left, right, up, behind. The blade hums and zips past my face several times, and I feel how close it is to me. Maybe, I think, I can try moving around while I twirl?

I take a few fancy steps, somewhat copying what I was doing this morning. Step and flap. I end with a final spin.

Fury is staring at me with obvious shock with his one good eye. Steve and Tony have stopped in mid-box and are gaping at me. Even Nat looks impressed.

"Comes naturally," I mumble, retracting the blade. I step over to the bench and flop down, exauhsted from the surge of power I had just felt. Fury sits next to me, motioning for everyone to continue. With reluctence, they all do.

"Tell me exactly what you just felt," Fury pesters. I intertwine my fingers.

"Well, I almost felt connected with it. If I concentrate, it comes easily. Almost like a spark of power," I try my best to explain. "Why?"

Fury gets up.

"I'll be back," and with that, he is out into the hallway.

I rest my elbows on my knees, leaning on the heels of my hands. I glance over at Tony and Steve, who are taking a break. I get off the bench, taking a final glimpse at the wall behind me.

"Your actually kicking Tony's butt," I comment, approaching them. Steve lets out a half-hearted laugh.

"It's too easy," he whispers, trying not to let Tony hear him. Nevertheless, Tony's head whips around.

"You're pretty spry, for an older fellow," he says, waving his hand at Steve, shedding his gloves. Steve looks at Tony, annoyed. I hold my hand up to him before he throws a retort back at Tony.

"Don't bother," I sigh. "He's impossible," Tony had walked out of the boxing arena, sitting at the bench. I feel my muscles tighten as he notice the door in the corner. If he opens it...

"Hm," he scoffs loudly. "Looks like Fury is hiding something."

Nat gives me a sidways glance. I do my best to put on my help me face. She is one of the only ones, besides Fury, Coulsen, and I, who knows about my studio.

"There's nothing behind the wall," she shrugs, flicking back her red hair.

"And even if there was it wouldn't mean anything to you," I add.

"It's just a panal for the radio."

Well, that is half true. I know Tony is going to press a button, though. I watch him reach for the panal, my heart beating faster. He presses a button, and my music from last night blasts over the speakers. Well, that was a close call.

Tony's face wrinkles into one of disgust, and immediatly he shuts the music off. I cross my arms and stare Tony down.

"That was good music," I tell him matter-of-factly. He snorts.

"You have no taste. You should come over sometime, I'll show you what real music sounds like," he points at me.

"Mr. Stark, for your information, I have been to your tower," I inform. A light bulb goes off in his head, and he snaps his fingers at me.

"You're...Kallie...-Kaleidescope, right? Something like that?" He sips from his water bottle. I huff.

"It's Calliope," I say, annoyed. Fury walks back in as I step down from the boxing arena. Fury stops me, grabbing my arm.

"Head to the lab, Banner is going to take a few tests," he orders.

"What for?" I demand an answer.

"We need answers about what you just did."

"And you suppose the answer will be in blood," it isn't even a question. Fury just walked off. I sigh, walking out of the door to the lab where Bruce is waiting.

☆Steve's POV☆

As Callie walks off to the lab, Fury approaches us.

"We have a problem," he addresses. "And I'd like to speak with you all on the bridge," he spins around and walks off. I sigh, wiping my hands with a towel and hopping off of the arena. I have to talk to someone who will understand why I am concerned for Callie. She's being tested on, pushed, and, even with all the happiness in her eyes when she speaks to me, there is pain there too.

I approach Natasha, who is putting her boots back on.

"May I speak with you?" I ask. She looks up at me, almost sympathetically.

"Sure," she shrugs. We begin to walk to the bridge, leaving Tony behind.

"I'm concerned about Fury's play with Callie," I start. Natasha bites the inside of her lip.

"She's strong, and she was offered the position," Natasha offers, but it isn't enough. I stop her in the hallway.

"Why is she even here? She should be in school, having fun with friends," I rack my brain. "Spending time with her family!" I finish, my voice raising a bit. Natasha's eyes fall.

"I don't think I should be the one to tell you why she's here," she finally says, looking me in the eyes. Then, she walks off.

I am getting nowhere with this. I guess I'll just have to get my answers from a primary source: Callie.


A.N- Wow! Thanks for the reads and votes!! It means so much I ♡ you guys. Please keep reading and enjoy!

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