Part 2: A hot bath

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"Stop, Your Grace, it's still too hot!"

Daenerys ignored the female temple servant's warning and stepped into the stone basin, which was filled with steaming water. She dived briefly under the water before stretching out with pleasure.

"So it's true", said Kinvara and sat down on the edge of the pool without touching the hot water. "Heat can't harm you."

The Dragon Queen smiled slightly. "In the Red Waste, however, it did. My khalasar and I almost died of thirst there. But apart from that, it's the way they are told. "

Of course, as a follower of R'hllor, who was Kinvara, she wanted to believe that it was the blessings of the Red God that made Daenerys invulnerable to fire. But it might have been her Valyrian heritage.

Through careful inquiries, the priestess finally got Daenerys to report on her experiences in Westeros. She knew little about the fight against the White Walkers that Kinvara was not already known. She had also heard of the death of the dragon Rhaegal by the Iron Fleet. But that the Dragon Queen had wiped out King's Landing and its population with Drogon and had been stabbed to death by her lover and nephew a little later ... that was definitely news.

"Why did you do that?", Kinvara asked gently. There was no reproach in her voice. "The Lannisters surrendered, you say. Then why burn the city down?"

Daenerys said nothing for a while, and only the faint lapping of the water when she moved broke the silence.

"They had to pay", she finally replied, "for what I and my family have lost. I had been gracious beforehand, had refrained from attacking King's Landing directly after my arrival in Westeros - I told you what my leniency brought me. I didn't want to repeat this mistake. The Westerosi only understand one language - violence. So I decided to take off my velvet gloves and present my iron fist to them." At these words, her violet-blue eyes flashed like swords. "If I want to break the wheel and create a new, better order for future generations, I must not be considerate."

"And that ultimately led to everyone turning against you", Kinvara sighed. "Including ..." She broke off, instinctively sensing that it was too early to talk to Daenerys about Jon Snow. "What are you going to do now?", asked the priestess instead.

"I'll go back and get what's mine", Daenerys explained with steel in her voice. "My army is still in King's Landing. With this and with Drogon I will stamp out all traitors and then ascend the Iron Throne."

"Your Grace", said Kinvara. "There is a saying that if you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. You died." The priestess now believed she knew what her own task was: to keep the girl from doing further stupid things and to lead her back on the right path. "The Lord of Light did not bring you back to life for nothing, even if I cannot yet guess the reason. But I'm sure of one thing: your fate is not in Westeros. There is nothing more for you to do there."

"How can you know?", Daenerys replied irritably.

"At least wait until the first ship from Westeros arrives in port and brings news about what happened in King's Landing after your death", said Kinvara following an inspiration.

Daenerys reluctantly agreed and they went to breakfast. The queen showed a considerable appetite, so Kinvara had the servants bring more food. After that, Daenerys insisted on checking on Drogon.

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