Part 16: A short victorious war

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Before Daenerys took any further steps to secure the Bay of Dragons, she paid a brief visit to the Lhazareen. The "Lamb Men", as they were also called by the Dothraki, lived east of Meereen in the Lhazar region. They were peaceful people who had often suffered from attacks by the nomadic horsemen. After Daenerys took power for first time in Meereen, she had made an alliance with them. In exchange for essential food supplies, the Dragon Queen had promised them protection. She now wanted to renew this agreement.

The Lhazareen gave the Empress a warm welcome. The news of her death had made them fear that everything would now be the same as before. Daenerys visited the cities of Hesh, Lazosh, and Kosrak and the place where her dragons were born. The leaders of Lhazar announced their intention to forge closer ties with the New Valyrian Empire. There was even talk of joining the empire, but such a step could only be taken with the consent of all tribal princes.

Encouraged by this successful diplomatic mission, Daenerys returned to Meereen.

"My Empress", said Gray Worm, pointing to an inconspicuous, medium-sized woman with dark curly hair who was a few years older than Daenerys. "This is Dimazza Yhae. She has already served Daario Naharis well in fighting the rebels who wanted to revive the Sons of the Harpy. Her loyalty is beyond question, she risked her life while spying on the traitors. She now heads our agent network here in Meereen and the other cities."

Daenerys looked at the spy across the table. Part of her mind wondered if Dimazza had served Daario "well" in other ways. However, that was irrelevant.

"Then tell me what you know about the situation in Yunkai, Astapor and New Ghis", said the Empress.

"You will not face any more resistance there", said Dimazza. "The losses they suffered in their two attacks on Meereen have drained the Ghiscari armies. Presumably, the masters will lose courage when you arrive and you can take the cities without a fight."

"As soon as we have conquered the cities, I need to know which of the Masters were involved in deciding to reinstate slavery and go to war with Meereen", Daenerys continued. Most of all she would just like to have the entire leadership of the Ghiscari executed, but Kinvara and Doniphos Paenymion had reminded the monarch of her promise that law and order would be in her empire instead of arbitrariness.

So she would only kill those Masters who could be proven guilty and hope that that would be enough.

"It shouldn't be difficult, Imperial Majesty", Dimazza assured with a confident smile.

"Fine. If I have convinced myself of your abilities, I might be able to use you in Volantis. But first we have work to do here. Grey Worm, this time I want to make sure the cities don't rebel again. We will leave garrisons behind after the conquest. Garrisons capable of maintaining public order and protection for an indefinite period of time."

The leader of the Unsullied frowned slightly. "My Empress, that will thin out the ranks of my soldiers considerably."

"Then train new recruits", Daenerys replied. "In the short term it is acceptable if all Unsullied are assigned as garrison troops. We still have the Dothraki and Drogon, after all." The Empress thought to herself that it would not be a good idea to use the barbaric equestrian nomads as protection troops in occupied places. That would be like trying to turn a wolf into a shepherd dog.

"As you wish my Empress." Gray Worm didn't look happy. He didn't like having to distribute his battle-hardened soldiers so widely.

"That it was then for today," said the Empress. "Tomorrow we leave for Yunkai."

As Dimazza Yhae had predicted, Yunkai and Astapor surrendered without a fight as soon as Drogon's wings dropped their shadow on these cities. Daenerys did to them as she had announced: the masters who tried to reinstate slavery were executed by Drogon's fire. Protection troops under the orders of able and loyal commanders would ensure that imperial rule was not questioned by anyone.

New Ghis was a bigger problem because it was on an island far to the south. After all, Daenerys had enough ships to transport her troops there, but the journey took almost a month. On the way they encountered an enemy fleet, but it was destroyed by Drogon's dragon fire before they could cause damage. Ultimately, New Ghis had no choice but to surrender.

But the campaign was not over yet. To the west of the Bay of Dragons were the cities of Tolos and Elyria, and further inland, north of the devastated Valyrian Peninsula, Mantarys. The rulers there had supported the Ghiscari against Daenerys. Now it was time to point out their mistake.

Again the journey took time. Twice the fleet got caught in a storm and was dispersed, but thanks to the dragon the empress was able to collect the ships again both times. In the end, all three cities fell and Daenerys was able to make her way back to Volantis, where a triumphant reception and her two sons would await.

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