Part 78: The arrival of the wedding guests

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Imperial soldiers lined each side of the long boulevard that led from the port of Volantis to the square on which the Red Temple stood. They kept onlookers away from the Westerosi, who moved in carriages and on horses towards the city center.

Brienne of Tarth, riding a mighty warhorse, led the column. The golden armor of the Lord Commander of Brans Kingsguard sparkled in the sun and the eyes of the huge woman looked around suspiciously. Queen Sansa rode, Arya at her side, with her Northmen close behind, followed by King Bran, who, flanked by two mounted soldiers of his guards, sat in an open carriage with his hand Tyrion, Grand Maester Samwell Tarly and Gilly. This was followed by half the nobility of Westeros, including Lord Bronn of Highgarden, Lord Davos Seaworth, Lord Edmure Tully and Lord Robin Arryn. Their banners and those of dozens of other houses waved in the gentle breeze.

"For four hundred years Volantis has dreamed of being the heart of a new Valyrian empire", said Sam. "And now Daenerys has made that dream come true."

"But different from what the Triarches and the old families of Volantis would have liked", added Tyrion. "They would have gladly done without the abolition of slavery and the introduction of the monarchy. Not to mention that all of the freed slaves are now allowed to vote and apply for political offices."

"So many people", said Gilly, astonished. "In contrast, Oldtown is a village. How many people actually live in this town, Sam?"

"Over a million, my darling", replied the Grand Maester. "Do you remember how much a million is?"

"A thousand times a thousand", the blonde woman announced proudly.

"Right. And in the whole Empire there are twice as many people as in Westeros, so there are about 80 million."

"I never thought there were so many people in the whole world."

"Well", said the Grand Maester, "Yi Ti is said to have more than 100 million people, although this country is smaller than New Valyria. However, if the empire is spared wars and epidemics, it could overtake Yi Ti in the next few decades."

"Especially since Daenerys is making every effort to attract immigrants", added Tyrion. The Empire had enough free settlement space for entire kingdoms and if the Imperials managed to fully exploit this potential...

"Looks like we're here", Bran interrupted the dwarf's thoughts.

In the shadow of a fifty-meter-high triumphal arch on the south side of the temple square, the wedding guests were received by the Empress, her fiance, the chancellor, the state secretaries, the High Priestess of the Red God and dozens of nobles.

Bran was lifted off the carriage and into his wheelchair while Sansa dismounted from her horse. Brienne pushed the King of the Six Kingdoms to the foot of the triumphal arch while the Queen of the North walked beside him. Tyrion and the others followed.

Trumpets sounded, then a speaker announced the names of Bran, Sansa, and the other high-ranking guests. Empress Daenerys held out her hand to Bran in greeting and hugged Sansa like a sister.

The Empress had decided to greet the Westerosi here and not at the palace, because there was more space here and Daenerys wanted as many people as possible to testify that there was no longer any enmity between her and the Starks.

But Tyrion wondered why she had to choose the triumphal arch as the backdrop for this little propaganda performance, a monument that glorified the victories of the Imperial Army over the Westerosi and their allies.

Especially since in reality there was little more than the foundation of the arch, a provisional, original-size model made of wood and stucco was erected on it for the occasion.

After the official reception, they went to the Imperial Palace, where the noble guests and their entourage were accommodated. Since the wedding would not take place until tomorrow, the Westerosi had time to rest in their assigned chambers and meet some of the other guests. Belo Aenolis, the Sealord of Braavos, had already arrived, as had Doneo Naerys, who had once led the rebellion against the Imperial occupation of Myr and was later pardoned by Daenerys and now represented his hometown in the Imperial Parliament.

There were also envoys from Ibben, the Summer Isles, Great Moraq, Jogos Nhai, Asshai and Yi Ti - and, to Jon's delight, Tormund Giantsbane as a representative of the Free Folk.

In the evening, however, excited shouts lured Tyrion to a nearby balcony while he was talking to the Imperial Chancellor Doniphos Paenymion. People were pointing excitedly at the sky, so the dwarf looked up and what he saw took his breath away.

Three colossal dragons, jade green, dark purple and gold, circled in the sky over the Imperial Capital. Not only were they bigger than Drogon, but also significantly more powerful than the dragon of Kenzai.

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