Part 61: A gesture of goodwill

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"How have you been?", Tyrion wanted to know as soon as the door of Bran's audience room had closed behind them. "When I heard of your capture, I feared the worst."

"We were treated well at Volantis", Sansa said as she shook hands with Bran.

"I can't believe Daenerys just let you go", Tyrion muttered, shaking his head. "Is that some trick? Has she pressed concessions from you?"

"Daenerys says our release is a gesture of goodwill", said Arya. "Proof of her intention to make peace ... at least that's how she put it."

"She claims to want to forego the crown of Westeros", announced Sansa.

"And I am the Emperor of Yi Ti", muttered Edmure Tully. "Of course I am happy that she released my nieces, but..."

"What would she get out of letting go of her three most precious hostages if she wasn't serious?", Davos interjected.

"Daenerys released them, right", said Lord Royce, "but if she wanted she could turn the Queen, Princess and Lord Gendry to ashes with all of King's Landing at any time. They may be free, but they are not out of her reach."

"Exactly, Lord Royce", Bran spoke up. "She could kill us all at any time. She could have done it much sooner without bringing a force across the Narrow Sea. The Faceless Men are at her service. So why are we still alive? Daenerys knows that neither Sansa, I, or Lord Tyrion would bend the knee to her - and she has good reason to consider us rebels and usurpers. What's stopping her from just crushing us like pesky insects?"

"I was wondering that too", Sansa muttered. "And the only logical explanation is that when she says she wants peace, she really means it."

Bran nodded silently. Next to him stood Jon, his face showing his conflicting emotions.

"An armistice would certainly come in handy for the Empress", said Royce. "She has conquered large areas that need to be pacified. The Free Cities would rise at the slightest sign of weakness, as the uprisings after the Battle of Pentos have shown. Daenerys intends to keep the cities, right?"

"That's right", Sansa nodded. "Although she wants to allow her allies in Braavos to remain independent. She also demands that the Ironborn become independent and she wants Dragonstone for herself."

"Is that all?", Tyrion wanted to know. His skepticism was evident.

"With Dragonstone, the Empire also controls access to Blackwater Bay", Davos objected. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave the island to the Imperials..."

"Daenerys has already occupied Dragonstone and we won't be able to take it away from her for the foreseeable future", said Royce. "Nevertheless, I share your concerns, Lord Davos."

"And Asha Greyjoy should be rewarded for her betrayal?", Edmure said, frowning. "That would be a bad precedent."

"It would be a small price to pay for peace ... if Daenerys truly renounces all claims to the Seven Kingdoms", said Tyrion.

"To the Six Kingdoms and the North", Sansa corrected him immediately.

The gnome waved his hand. "Of course. I think we kept Illyrio waiting long enough. With your permission, Your Grace, I would like to speak to him alone first."

"Agreed", said Bran.

As Tyrion walked to the door, a startling thought crossed his mind: If his former queen actually gave up her claims - and was ready to do so before the World War - it would mean the four years of bloodshed had been utterly pointless.

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