Part 69: The first enemy killed

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Jon saw the red dragon descend on Drogon from above. The two beasts collided. They wrestled with each other, roaring and screeching - but only briefly. For some reason, the larger dragon suddenly seemed disoriented - and Drogon used the nakedness to get into his back and bite his neck. One last rebound, then the red monster fell like a stone from the sky and crashed into a block on the northern outskirts, while Drogon landed in a nearby square.

Jon ran there immediately. Tyrion and Sam tried to keep up with him.

From the ground, Kinvara, Illyrio Mopatis and the Imperial soldiers had to watch helplessly as their ruler fought for her live. Now they hurried to where Drogon had landed after defeating his opponent. They arrived there at the same time as Jon, although stout Illyrio had naturally fallen behind.

Drogon was huddled in the middle of a spacious square. Kinvara saw immediately that he was bleeding from numerous wounds.

Empress Daenerys, however, hung motionless in the saddle and did not respond to the calls from Kinvara and Jon.

Major Pasha tried to approach the dragon, but he bared his teeth and hissed ominously. He did not let Kinvara near him either.

Undeterred, Jon stepped forward. "Calm, Drogon", he said. "Dany is hurt and needs help. We have to get her off you."

The dragon snapped his huge teeth only inches from Jon's face, but the man didn't flinch.

"Jon, have you lost your mind?!", Tyrion called. "I bet he remembers very well that you..."

"Please let me pass, Drogon", Jon insisted, ignoring the dwarf. "I'm not going to hurt her. I promise."

Drogon's slit eyes stared at the black-haired man for a long time. Finally he let out a snort and gave way. Jon stepped cautiously up to the dragon's body and climbed its flank, Drogon keeping an eye on him. He loosened the leather straps that held Dany's legs to the saddle and let himself slide down, her limp body in his arms. Then he put her carefully on the paved floor.

Kinvara crouched down next to the Empress and examined her briefly. Except for a few scratches, she had no visible injuries and she was breathing evenly. "Just unconscious", she stated with relief.

While a stretcher was being procured for Daenerys, Tyrion walked toward the place where the red dragon had fallen. It lay in the rubble of a block where city guards were already starting to look for survivors.

The monster's wings were broken and torn from the fall, and his neck was badly bitten. It was obviously dead. The gnome estimated the carcass to be one and a half times the size of Drogon.

Driven by morbid curiosity, Tyrion approached the dead dragon, who was lying on its side. The rider's body was still hanging from the saddle. The man was at least two meters tall. He wore exotic lamellar armor painted red and a demon mask with a ruby-studded sword hilt protruding from its mouth, just within Tyrion's reach. Without further ado he pulled out the blade, which turned out to be a short sword made of Valyrian steel.

The dwarf hesitated briefly, then picked up the slightly damaged demon mask. A man's face emerged, skin like oiled teak. The staring, open eyes were almond-shaped and gold. Apparently he was from Yi Ti or another country on the Jade Sea. Blood oozed from the dead man's mouth - the sword had been driven straight into his throat.

Tyrion turned and saw that Bronn had joined them.

"Man, what a huge beast", said the former mercenary.

"A reminder that Drogon is still a long way from his full seize", remarked Sam.

"Excuse me, Lord Tyrion", said the female Imperial officer, who looked like Shae, pointing to the sword. "I think this belongs to my empress." She held out her hand demanding.

"Um, of course." The dwarf hastily handed her the weapon and mask. "Here. Daenerys should keep that as a trophy."

Bronn looked after the woman puzzled. "Am I wrong, or does she look just like Shae?"

"Maybe", said Tyrion, quickly changing the subject. "Do you know what's on my mind right now? That Daenerys must have killed her first enemy in battle today. By hand, blade in hand, instead of letting her men or Drogon do the work. The khals she burned don't count, that wasn't a fighting situation."

Bronn grinned. "There is only one right way to celebrate the first blood shed."

"I know", said Tyrion, grinning too. Sam just rolled his eyes.

Daenerys felt like she was floating. She opened her eyes and saw people walking to the left and right of her.

"Good morning, Your Majesty", she heard a familiar voice. Dany blinked, turned her head slightly, and looked into Tyrion Lannister's face. "Well, given the circumstances, it was a good morning for you", added the dwarf. "You are alive and the other dragon rider is dead."

"Drogon", said Dany. "How is he?"

"He's injured but will survive", she heard Kinvara's voice.

Daenerys now realized that she was on a stretcher held by four soldiers. She also saw the four members of her Imperial Guard who had escorted her to Braavos, Illyrio, Tarly, that mercenary whom King Bran had absurdly made Lord of the Reach and Master of coin, Major Pasha ... and Jon.

"Are you all right, Dany?", he asked worried.

"I'm just a little dizzy", she replied.

"Concussion", said Kinvara. "You will have to be in bed for three days."

"Where is Drogon now?", asked the Empress.

"He's already back at the house. We will take care of his wounds later. He was so nervous that he wouldn't let anyone get near you. Only Jon could calm Drogon down and get you off the saddle."

Dany looked at Jon. "Thank you", she whispered.

Bronn nudged Tyrion and Sam and whispered conspiratorially: "Just wait and see, he won't leave her alone in bed. As I said, there is only one right way to celebrate the first enemy killed."

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