Part 76: News from Essos

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Tyrion and Bronn watched as the heavy gold chests were hoisted off board the Imperial galleon 'Glorious Dragon'. A convoy of ox-carts stood ready at the port of King's Landing to transport Daenerys' compensation payment to the Red Keep.

Bronn opened one of the chests, fished out an Imperial gold crown, and bit into it.

"Old habit", he said at Tyrion's gaze and tossed the coin back into the chest.

The dwarf now also grabbed a gold crown and examined it. The Targaryen coat of arms was embossed on the back, and Daenerys' head in profile on the front. "Daenerys Targaryen I" was written in capital letters around the head.

"She's got us wrapped up in the end", Tyrion grumbled.

"Why?", Bronn wanted to know.

The Hand of the King sighed. "What is the main source of income for the crown, apart from the taxes of the vassals and the income of the crownlands?"

"The taxation of trade, of course."

"Exactly. And who is our most important trading partner?"

Bronn made a face. "The Empire."

The Lannister nodded. "And with this trading relationship, it's clear who is in the stronger position. Daenerys outperforms us not only militarily but economically, so it is in our best interest to keep the Empress kind to us, whether we like her or not. Damn it, even in their prime, my family would be a gang of beggars if you measure their wealth against that of the Empire."

After the 'Glorious Dragon' and her escort ships had set sail again and the gold had reached the Red Keep, the Small Council met for its regular meeting. The 'Glorious Dragon' had brought not only gold to King's Landing, but also news from Essos.

"Skirmishes between the Imperials and Ibbenese have broken out on the north coast of Essos", said Sam. "This appears to be a continuation of the coastal territorial conflicts Ibben had with some of the Free Cities. Daenerys apparently intends to drive the Ibbenese completely off the mainland of Essos."

"Also off New Ibbish?", asked Tyrion. New Ibbish was a colony of Ibben north of the Dothraki Sea on the coast of the Shivering Sea.

"The Empress is said to have sent a message to the island of Ibben with an offer to buy New Ibbish." The Grandmaester smiled grimly. "It should be clear what happens if the Ibbenese refuse."

"So there will be another war?", asked Bronn.

Lord Royce shook his head. "Hardly likely. The Ibbenese may have held their own against the Dothraki and the Free Cities in the past, but they have nothing to oppose the Imperial war machine. If they have any sense, they'll take the offer. I would rather be interested in whether there is anything new from the island of Leng."

"The Imperials have transferred the body of Kenzai Iemochi to Leng, accompanied by his personal notes and a letter in which Daenerys describes her view of the incident in Braavos." Sam shrugged. "There has been no reaction so far, although of course the travel times have to be taken into account."

"Is there anything else?", asked King Bran.

"Another dragon chick has hatched and has attached itself to Jon", said the grandmaester. "He named it Aemon, after the old Maester of Castle Black."

"That would leave one egg that has not yet hatched, if I'm not mistaken", said Tyrion.

"Exactly. And while we're at it ... Empress Daenerys is expecting another child."

"That's wonderful", Bran said with a smile. "I'm so happy for her and Jon."

Sam continued: "Daenerys and Jon intend to get married a month after the child is born."

Edmure Tully made a face. "Shouldn't they get married as soon as possible so that at least this child doesn't come into the world as a bastard?"

"In the Empire, people see it a little ... more relaxed", said Tyrion.

"Also, Daenerys wants to know if we would come to the wedding", added Sam.

"Certainly", Bran nodded before anyone else could say anything. "We come."

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