Part 26: World War

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"That's unconscionable!", growled Jaqicho Hartar. The First Magister of Norvos was sitting with Belen Osten and Sansa Stark in an elegant hostel in Pentos. "Read it for yourself." Angry, he passed the Imperial Chancellor's letter on to Belen. Sansa leaned over his shoulder to read along.

To the leaders of the League of Free Cities

I, Doniphos Paenymion, Chancellor of the mighty New Valyrian Empire, hereby protest against the cowardly and unprovoked attack on the Free City of Braavos. On behalf of my Empress I am issuing the following ultimatum: Within a month your troops have to leave the area of Braavos and release all prisoners and return all stolen treasures. Compensation must also be paid if Braavos so requests. If you do not obey this request, the Imperial Army will see to it that the rabble you call soldiers disappears from Braavos. Any resistance that the Empress's soldiers encounter in this endeavor will be smothered with fire and blood. If you...

The next few lines consisted of insults and obvious threats, with the Chancellor's signature at the end.

"As if we were stupid barbarians!", exclaimed the First Magister of Qohor. "What an arrogance!"

"Doesn't surprise me", said Jaqicho scornfully. "They think they are better. The Volantenes always looked down on us and Daenerys rekindled their old fantasies of great power."

"With that the dragon dropped the mask", said Sansa. "With League territory between the Empire and Braavos, the Imperials will leave a trail of devastation if they come to the aid of their friends. Surely Daenerys is already planning to annex all Free Cities."

"Only over my corpse", Jaqicho clarified. "Norvos will never submit to a self-appointed empress!"

"Neither did Qohor", said Belen Osten. "Oh, just wait and see how the other city leaders react to the ultimatum. They'll be just as angry as we are. And if the Imperials are threatening us with war so resolutely, we can forestall them right away. Let's go on the attack before the month's deadline is up."

"When the time comes, the armies of the North will stand by you", Sansa said. "A fleet is already assembled in White Harbor, waiting for my order to set sail for Essos."

"You said you wanted to talk to your brother first?", said Belen Osten, surprised.

"That was before we found out that Drogon had offspring", clarified the Queen of the North. "I don't intend to wait for the two dragon chicks to grow up. Bran will understand. I can't promise, but I expect him to join us, albeit reluctantly."

"An alliance of seven Free Cities, eight if you count Braavos - we have now installed a new, sensible Sealord there - the Kingdom of the North and the Six Kingdoms", said Jaqicho Harter. "That would be a power that even the Dragon Empress must fear."

While Jaqicho and Belen were still talking, Sansa said goodbye and went to her ship to travel to King's Landing. On the way to the port, she and the knights who accompanied her as bodyguards passed the Red Temple of Pentos. The magisters had the house of worship closed because the priests of R'hllor openly promoted Daenerys Targaryen in their sermons. This might have stopped the propaganda, but now an unsatisfied crowd had gathered in front of the temple. The followers of the Lord of Light did not simply disappear.

Sansa, having had her own experience of angry mobs in King's Landing, hurried on. As she boarded her ship, she saw the city guards already gathering.

Favorable winds gave Sansa a pleasantly short crossing over the Narrow Sea. When she arrived in King's Landing, she immediately went to the Red Keep. The reconstruction work had now progressed so far that the castle almost shone in its old splendor. Only the towers weren't finished yet.

This time, Bran received her in the throne room. The Queen of the North was surprised to find that not only the Small Council, but also about a hundred Lords and Ladies from all over the Six Kingdoms were gathered. The king himself had his wheelchair placed on the pedestal on which the Iron Throne had previously stood. Behind him, Ser Brienne and Ser Podrick stood guard. Tyrion and the others from the Small Council stood to the left and right of their king.

"Sister, what did you do?", asked Bran in greeting. There was reproach and fear in his voice. As if he already knew what had been decided in Pentos.

"I have declared war on the so-called New Valyrian Empire", Sansa retorted.

Excited murmurs immediately filled the room.

"Quiet!", Tyrion shouted loudly.

"Why?", asked Bran. "Why did you do that without consulting me?"

"Because Daenerys now has two more dragons", said the queen. She enjoyed the shocked silence of those present. "They are still too small to fight. But in a few years it will be different. Shall we wait that long? Shall we just watch Daenerys get stronger and stronger?"

There was a murmur again.

"I have to agree with Queen Sansa", said Yohn Royce. "Once the Empress has three full-grown dragons available, there is no hope for us when she invades Westeros. I see our only chance of survival in defeating her before. Therefore, the Six Kingdoms should support the North and the League of Free Cities in the war against the Empire."

It was immediately apparent that most of the lords and ladies were in agreement with the Master of war. Sansa smiled contentedly. Bran might be king, but he couldn't simply ignore the opinion of the majority. Also, just because the Queen of the North was his sister, he would be expected to join the war. Sansa regretted having to force this decision on her brother, but it was the right thing to do.

Bran discussed for a while with the members of his Small Council and several other lords, then announced with a grim expression: "So be it. We could have resolved the matter with Empress Daenerys peacefully. It pains me that I am now forced to send my followers to war against my better judgment. Dark years are now ahead of us. Even I can't predict how it will turn out ... but when it's all over and we cry for our dead, think of my words: It would never have come to this if our fear of Daenerys hadn't blinded us."

Now there was silence in the hall. The young king had spoken with the authority and wisdom of a much older man. Bran beckoned Sansa over.

"I hope you are proud of yourself", he said so quietly that only those standing next to him could hear it. He looked at his sister seriously and insistently. "You started a world war."

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