Part 25: Guilt and failure

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Daenerys and Kinvara were alone in a large room in the Red Temple of Volantis. The two women stood in front of a fire bowl in the middle.

"So what do I have to do?", asked the Empress, staring at the crackling flames.

"Just look inside", said the priestess. "And be prepared for it: the truth will be hard." Kinvara took the bowl with the leeches that had previously taken Daenerys' blood and began to throw the animals one by one into the fire. She also recited verses in High Valyrian.

At first Daenerys saw nothing but the dancing flames. But then she recognized something ... a burning city. And the Red Keep. King's Landing! She believed she heard the screams of men, women, and children being burned alive. The Empress smelled the smell of burning meat - but surely it came from the leeches? Then the impressions got stronger...

Daenerys didn't know how much time had passed. She couldn't remember all the details of what she'd seen in the flames either, but that didn't matter. What the Lord of Light had shown her with ruthless clarity left no doubt as to the monstrous extent of her failure.

Now the Empress of the New Valyrian Empire hung sobbing in Kinvara's arms. She just couldn't believe how deluded she had been. How infallible she thought she was and still got so much wrong without even realizing it.

"There is no better lesson than failure", Kinvara whispered comfortingly in Daenerys' ear. "Especially for an empress."

Daenerys couldn't reply. What she had seen in the flames had shattered her self-image like a sledgehammer. In the end she had become like her father - although she had resolved never to let this happen. Because she stopped questioning her actions.

"The worst thing", she finally said, sniffing, "is that even after my resurrection I still hadn't understood. I still thought I was right. Even though I wiped out a city that had surrendered. Although I wasn't even the rightful heir to the throne."

"But now you understand", Kinvara said gently. "The Lord of Light has shown you the way out of the darkness. And give you a chance to do better this time."

Daenerys broke away from the priestess's embrace. "I will", she said firmly.

She had proven herself unworthy of the sacrifices and services of Jorah and Barristan and so many others. In her delusion of wanting to "free" the whole world, she had lost her humanity. And Jon ... the question of why he'd betrayed her was now answered. Because in the end he hadn't betrayed her. Rather, it was Daenerys who betrayed the trust he had placed in her. He had killed his aunt to save his sisters and the rest of Westeros from her fury. And yet he had loved her even the moment he thrust the dagger into her heart. All of this had been revealed to the Empress in the flames.

"What I've done is impossible to make amends", Daenerys continued. "But that doesn't release me from the duty to try. Even if I don't know how yet."

"First of all, you must protect your empire from the League", Kinvara said. "Now, however, you should rest a little. If the council wants to bother you with state business today, claim that you are sick."

The empress hugged the other woman. "Thanks for everything, Kinvara."

"Don't thank me, thank the Lord." Kinvara realized that Daenerys had become something of a little sister to her. It was an unfamiliar feeling. As the high priestess of the Red Temple, she had always kept distance from other people. Daenerys, however, made her want to protect her. R'hllor must have had something in mind about this.

A few days later the pathetic remnant of the Braavosi fleet arrived at Volantis. On the way the ships had been attacked again and again by naval units from Myr, Tyrosh and Lys, because the Three Daughters had ultimately joined the League of Free Cities.

Sealord Belo Aenolis was immediately brought to the Imperial Palace, where the ruler received him in her study.

Belo's first thought was that the Empress was smaller than he expected. With her reputation she should have been at least ten feet tall. In fact, Daenerys Targaryen was a short woman. But that didn't detract from her fairytale beauty. Her violet-blue eyes and her silver-white hair that shone like spun moonlight were evidence of her Valyrian ancestry. She wore a light blue silk dress that subtly emphasized her body. If the Sealord were not already happily married, he would do everything possible to win the heart of the Empress, even though she was twenty years younger than him.

"Welcome to Volantis, my lord", Daenerys greeted the Sealord and held out her hand.

Belo Aenolis leaned forward and kissed her gallantly on the back of her hand.

"Your Imperial Majesty, thank you for giving refuge to me and my men."

"But that is the least, my lord", replied the Empress. "After all, I am ultimately to blame for everything."

Belo raised an eyebrow in question. "Why do you think so, Your Majesty? It was the League of Free Cities that attacked Braavos."

"Yes", Daenerys sighed. She made a dejected impression on the Sealord and she seemed to have slept badly. "But the League attacked you because you were considered my ally. The reason for this war is the fear of the Empire, of Drogon, and of me. I've done terrible things in Westeros. Things that justify the hostility that is shown to me."

"Your Majesty", said Belo seriously. "It never occurred to me to hold yourself responsible for the deeds of those fools who attacked Braavos for their stupidity, greed and cowardice in the midst of peace. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it very much if your empire would stand up for the freedom of my hometown."

"And we will, my lord", Daenerys said, now with a determined expression on her face. "My chancellor has already sent an ultimatum to the League to either evacuate Braavos within a month or to bear the consequences. We don't expect the other side to come to their senses. Rather, I think that they will then declare war on us. "The empress's eyes went diamond-hard. "I swear to you, my lord, I will not rest until Braavos is freed and the League threat is removed. The New Valyrian Empire will usher in a new era of peace in Essos ... with fire and blood, if there is no other way."

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