Part 72: The Treaty of Braavos

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"Did you really have to tell her that, Jon?", Tyrion complained as he, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Sansa and Sam sat together for dinner in 'The Sealord's mug'.

"What did I tell whom?", Jon replied.

"You told Daenerys about our conversation in my dungeon cell."

"No, that is not correct. I didn't talk to her about that at all."

"Sometimes duty is the death of love. You will surely remember that sentence I said to you. Daenerys quoted me. If not you, who could have told her about it?"

Jon spread his arms helplessly. "I dont know. All I can say is that I didn't tell Dany about our conversation in the cell. I'm not lying, Tyrion."

The dwarf looked the black-haired man in the eye for a moment. As Jon met his gaze unperturbed, he leaned back with a sigh. "And you haven't spoken to anyone else about it either?"


"Well, then it's just magic. Somehow Kinvara knew how Varys became a eunuch the first time we met in Meereen - and I don't think he told anyone but Illyrio and me about it. So if Kinvara could see that in her flames, then other things too."

"The thought is kind of disturbing", Sam muttered.

"Indeed," said Sansa. She didn't like the idea that Daenerys Targaryen's closest confidante might 'see' as well as Bran.

"When are you leaving, Jon?", Sam asked. "The supplies for the Night's Watch should have been loaded onto your ship by now."

Jon took a deep breath. "I'm not going back to the Wall, Sam."

"I guessed it", Sansa muttered.

"You realize what that means?", said Sam. "Do you really want to leave everything you know behind because of Daenerys?"

"Not just because of Daenerys", Jon clarified. "I want to get to know my sons too ... no, not just get to know each other. I want to be as good a father to them as Eddard Stark was to me."

"That assumes that Daenerys is okay with it", said Tyrion slowly.

"She is."

"Nice." Tyrion glanced at Sansa and the redhead nodded. "Then in the name of King Brandon, the first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I release you from your oath to the Night's Watch. You can also have that in writing if you want."

"I, Sansa Stark, the first of my name and Queen of the North, also release you from your oath", said Sansa.

Jon looked puzzled. "Really? I thought you would do everything you can to talk me out of it."

"Jon", Tyrion said gently. "If anyone deserves to be happy, that's you."

"You know", Sansa said, "my problem with you and Daenerys was that you were about to give up the freedom of the North because of a pretty girl. But now things are different. Now you are no longer the King of the North, but a relative of the Queen of the North and the King of the Six Kingdoms. If you marry the Empress of the New Valyrian Empire - you will get married, won't you? - this will create new ties between Westeros and Essos and hopefully another war will be less likely."

"Um ... Dany and I haven't talked about getting married yet."

"Maybe you should", said Sam. "Honestly, I don't like the idea of my best friend marrying the woman who killed my father and brother. But I also know that it would be best."

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