Part 8: Like a phoenix from the ashes

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"We are ready", said Malaquo Maegyr when the Triarches were seated at the table in the meeting room. "Two mercenary companies of five thousand men each and four thousand Dothraki horsemen are waiting outside the city gates for the order to storm the temple. They'll overwhelm the Fiery Hand with ease."

"Bear in mind that you may not only be dealing with the temple guards," said Doniphos Paenymion. "The gods alone know what the slaves - especially the slave soldiers - will do if the temple of the god they worship is attacked."

"My dear Doniphos, if we were to act according to you, we would never get anywhere," rebuked Nyessos Vhassar. "Just in case, we have the dothraki riders: They may not be of great help in the fight in the temple, but they will easily dominate the surrounding area. Should anyone want to rush to the aid of the Red Priests, the Dothraki will crush them."

"Exactly", said Malaquo. The old tiger allowed himself a toothless grin. "It really is a shame I'm too old to lead the attack myself. But I will order the men to bring Kinvara alive for me. I'm still young enough for some things..." He laughed.

"When should the attack begin?", Doniphos wanted to know.

"Tomorrow, before sunrise. This is the best time when the city is still asleep", explained Malaquo. "There will be fewer bystanders in the line of fire and most of the slaves will still be in their qurtes."

"You will see, Doniphos", said Nyessos. "If you get up early tomorrow, it will be all over."

Malaquo Maegyr raised his wine goblet. "To the victory!"

"To the victory!", Nyessos Vhassar and Doniphos Paenymion joined in and the three rulers of Volantis toasted with their goblets.

For some reason, however, Doniphos could not get rid of the uneasy feeling he had about the matter. There were less moral concerns, even if he didn't like what Malaquo was planning to do with the high priestess. No, somehow he got the idea that there was something they had missed ... or just couldn't see, which was the same thing. He sighed. He would not have a peaceful sleep tonight.

When Daenerys was woken up by a servant, it was still dark outside. She heard excited shouts in the hallways of the temple.

"What's going on?", she asked sleepily.

"The time has come, Your Grace. The high priestess asks you to come to her immediately."

The Dragon Queen rose a little heavily from the bed. It wasn't long until her child was born and her belly was now round as a ball. In this state, she no longer dared to ride Drogon. And just now the attack on the temple took place.

Daenerys put on a red robe and followed the servant. Her Dothraki bodyguards Azzo and Ezzo accompany her.

Kinvara's quarters were in the highest tower of the temple. Climbing stairs was strenuous for the pregnant woman, but one of the two bloodrider supported her. At least there was a good view of Temple Square from above.

The high priestess greeted Daenerys gravely. For the first time the Dragon Queen saw something like fear in the eyes of the woman, who otherwise always trusted so firmly in the Lord of Light. Kinvara pointed silently to the window.

It might be dark outside, but it was impossible to miss the huge army that had drawn up around the temple.

"There are over ten thousand, Your Grace," Kinvara said. "Even if the Dothraki come over to us, as you say, our chances are slim."

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