Part 59: Brothers

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"The Imperials now outnumber us ten to one", Yohn Royce told the Small Council. "They also have absolute control of the sea. In my opinion, a successful defense of King's Landing is impossible. Resistance would be possible in Dorne or in the Vale ... as long as we have enough ballistae to keep the dragon in check."

"And you want to give up the rest of the Six Kingdoms?", asked Bronn. "What about the westerlands, the riverlands, the stormlands and the Reach?"

"The Empire will defeat us in any open battle", said the Master of war. "The entrances to the Vale, on the other hand, can be defended against a superior force and Dorne once resisted against Aegon the Conqueror himself."

"But if we lose the economic centers-", says Tyrion Lannister but was interrupted by the king.

"Dragonstone has fallen", said Bran in a completely emotionless voice. "Empress Daenerys will be here in three days."

"Did you ... see that, Your Grace?", Tyrion wanted to know.

"Yes", replied the king simply.

Now it was so quiet in the council chamber that you could have heard a pin falling on the floor.

"Then you should leave city as soon as possible, Your Grace", said Edmure Tully. "Daenerys must by no means get her hands on you. It's bad enough she's holding your sisters captive."

Brienne of Tarth nodded in agreement. But the king just said: "No."

"Your Grace...", Brienne protested, but the king motioned her to be silent.

"The session is over. My brother is waiting outside the gate. Tell the guards to let him in and bring him to my audience room."

A Knight of the Kingsguard, whom Jon didn't know, led him through the corridors of the rebuilt Red Keep. The man did not look at the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. It was obvious what he thought of oathbreakers and queenslayers. Finally they came to a door where Podrick stood guard. Jon greeted him and stepped inside.

Brandon Stark, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, sat in his wheelchair in front of a fireplace. Tyrion Lannister and Davos Seaworth stood next to him.

A hint of a smile appeared on Bran's lips. "Jon. How nice to see you."

Jon started to kneel down, but the king motioned him to stop.

"My family doesn't have to kneel in front of me", said Bran.

Tyrion held out his hand to the newcomer. "You have chosen an interesting time for your visit, my friend."

"I want to be by Bran's side when the Imperials come", said Jon.

"We don't have to wait long", said Davos as he shook hands with the former King of the North. "Their fleet is already approaching us and I don't have enough ships to stop them."

"Then why are you still here, Bran?", Jon asked his brother. "You should get yourself to safety and have the population evacuated."

"Neither I nor the people of King's Landing have anything to fear", said the king with that sometimes uncanny serenity that has characterized him since he became a Three-Eyed Raven. "At least as long as no one does anything stupid."

"So we wait for Daenerys - and then?", Tyrion wanted to know.

"Then we'll hear what she has to say", said the king. "If we had done that earlier, millions less would have died."

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