Part 18: Good and bad surprises

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There was a festive mood on the streets of Volantis. Long before Empress Daenerys returned to the Imperial Capital, news of her victories in the east had arrived. And the people loved victors.

The wide promenade that led from the east gate to the Black Wall was lined with cheering people. Hundreds of the Unsullied (most of them left behind in the occupied cities) marched in lockstep down the street to the city center. They all moved synchronously and precisely like clockwork - an impressive display of military power and discipline. Daenerys had sent the Dothraki back to their homeland, where they were on call. To the delight of the citizens, the ruler herself glided low over the roofs of the houses on Drogon.

Daenerys landed the dragon in front of the great gate of the Black Wall. Chancellor Paenymion and the other members of the government were already waiting for their empress there. Among them she discovered Illyrio Mopatis. She already knew from the Chancellor's letters that the Magister had agreed to serve as Imperial Chamberlain. She would talk to him later.

After being greeted by her ministers and receiving their congratulations, she appointed Grey Worm Field Marshal of the Imperial Army in front of the assembled troops. Then Daenerys went to the palace. She finally wanted to see her children again. She chatted with Kinvara on the way. The high priestess had a twinkle in her eyes, like someone who has a sweet secret and can hardly wait to reveal it.

"What's going on, Kinvara?", Daenerys asked. "You have news for me, I'll see that."

"You saw through me, Daenerys", Kinvara smiled. "But if I say now what I want to show you, you would not believe me. You have to see it with your own eyes."

"Now you've made me curious", Daenerys giggled. "But first I want to see my sons."

"How nice to have you back, Imperial Majesty", Talisa greeted Daenerys as she entered the nursery. Even though the nursing period was over, the young woman continued to serve as a nanny.

"Hello, Talisa", replied the Empress and immediately looked around for Rhaegar and Viserys. The two boys crawled around on the floor and played with brightly colored wooden blocks.

"Mom?", said Rhaegar.

Daenerys crouched down and patted the older of the twins' head. "Yes, mom is back. Viserys, come here."

The younger brother crawled up a little hesitantly. "Mom!", he chuckled.

Daenerys picked up Viserys with a blissful smile. "I've been away way too long", she said to Talisa. She had just heard her sons speak for the first time! How good that she wouldn't have to leave the capital for the foreseeable future. She made a firm resolve to spend as much time with her children as her imperial duties would allow.

"What did you want to show me now, Kinvara?", Daenerys asked a little later as they walked through the hallways of the palace.

"Just follow me", replied the high priestess. She led the Empress upstairs. The higher they went, the warmer it got. Finally they came to a loft room that was apparently used as a storage room. And in an open box lined with straw were ... dragon eggs, five in number. Their size and flaky surface left no doubt. They were all different colors: sapphire blue, cyan, emerald green, golden red and silver.

Daenerys was speechless. All she could do was stare at the box.

"We found it on the Black Wall after you left for Meereen", Kinvara said. "You know that Drogon has chosen the top of the wall as his favorite sleeping place..."

"But...", whispered the Empress. "How is that possible? When Drogon has laid the eggs... "

"Daenerys, you should know that dragons have no unique gender. I believe Drogon was fertilized by Rhaegal before he died."

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