Part 14: Jon

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Jon Snow stood at the Hardhome docks and watched a fishing boat return its catch to the harbor. It wasn't easy to feed the only major settlement north of the Wall, but the Free Folk knew how to survive in the north.

After the annihilation of the White Walkers, the wildlings, as the people south of the Wall called the Free Folk, returned to their old homeland. They could have settled south of the Wall as well, but they preferred their usual hard life instead of bending the knee to Sansa or Bran.

Jon patted Ghost, who was standing next to him, on the left ear. The direwolf had lost the right one in the battle against the White Walkers. They no longer existed, but as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch it was still his job to secure the northern frontier of the realm against any danger. Lasting peace with the Free Folk seemed the most efficient way to go. That is why the Night's Watch supported the reconstruction of Hardhome as much as possible.


The Lord Commander turned to the huge, red-bearded man who came trudging towards him. "What's the matter, Tormund?"

"A message has arrived for you from the south." The chief of Hardhome motioned for Jon to follow him. They walked in silence through the muddy and snow-covered streets of the settlement to Tormund's house. It was the largest in Hardhome, with a foundation made of quarry stone, walls made of tree trunks, and a high roof covered with branches.

The two men entered and shook the snow off their shoes and coats. An open fire burned in the room to keep the cold at bay. Ghost curled up for a nap in front of it. A letter addressed to Jon lay on a rough-cut table. The seal was that of King Bran.

The Lord Commander opened the envelope curiously.

"What's going on?", Tormund asked a moment later. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Jon wasn't able to answer. The shock and chaos of his emotions had too tight a grip on him. Daenerys Targaryen, his queen, aunt, and lover was alive. Or brought back to life, to be precise. Just as it once happened to himself.

"Jon, do you hear me?", Tormund sounded a little worried now. "Did someone die?"

"She's alive", Jon whispered.


"Daenerys. Daenerys is alive again."

"The Dragon Queen? The one who went crazy? That you've been fucking with? The one you..."

"...I betrayed and murdered, yes," Jon whispered. He finished reading the letter and felt dizzy and had to sit down.

"She gave birth to two sons, Tormund", he said as if in a trance. "I think I made them."

"Congratulations!", exclaimed the red beard in his usual manner and patted his friend vigorously on the back. "You became a father! Let's celebrate with a sip of mead!" As if by magic, he already had two full drinking horns in his hands, one of which he pressed into Jon's hand.

The Lord Commander sat numbly and sipped the drink. Living with killing Daenerys, the woman he loved dearly, was almost unbearable. And now the Lord of Light had brought her back, and his sons, with whom she had been pregnant without his knowledge, too. His mind told him that the resurrection of the Dragon Queen would cause problems, very serious problems.

But his heart rejoiced.

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