Dining Table

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The following scenario may be sensitive and might trigger other readers. This is solely for the explanation of the characters. I don't encourage or glorify any of the said events! If you still wish to continue, read it at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you!



What will you do if you came across some really awkward situations, that you would rather let the ground eat you whole or just embrace the stupidity of the situation? In my case, I chose to embrace it. Even if I didn't know where it would take me.


Such a buzz kill! Yes, that's what he is! Jimin took the meth and when he was about to throw it away I urged him to just give it back to me.

Fuck! That cost money, my MONEY. It wasn't that many, to begin with. I only bought one-half of a gram, and compared to grams of other things like food, grams of things like this are smaller.

I was planning to save it for later, and as I mean later, for the following days. But since Jimin was glaring at me the whole night, he urged me to use it.

He said it's much better to be disposed of or else we won't go and I mean to go, as in he won't let me out.

So as the night went on I used it and surprisingly he let me. The downside was since I was high, I became overactive.

I cleaned his whole damn house and did his laundry all at the same time. Once I was finished I headed for the shower since I've sweat a decent amount. The drug is now wearing off.

But as I stepped out of the shower Jimin was looking at me intently. He was on the side of the bed, in his hands was the leftover from my previous session.

"Use it," He urged me as I look at him bewildered. I was supposed to save it before our flight.

"But I'm still okay," I whined since I rarely do this my tolerance was low. Small amounts can affect me highly. By the amount that I took it will take me about 12hours before I could sleep. So I stopped before I exceed my limit.

"Okay then, let's just throw it away." He nonchalantly said as he walked towards the toilet.

"Jimin... No! What's your problem with my honey?" I whined as I stomped my feet and pouted.

He looked at me surprised, "Honey?" He asked.

"Yes, that's my honey," I informed him as I grabbed the packet.

"I'm still okay, I'm not planning on using it yet. Let me be! I'll use it before our flight." I told him as I went under the covers.

He sighed as he approached me, "Nobody is going anywhere until this shit is out Y/N, if you don't want to use it. I'll just throw it away," He glared at me as he went to his side of the bed.

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