✭ Isabelle Lightwood

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Full Name: Isabelle Sophia Lightwood (known by close friends and family as Izzy)

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Full Name: Isabelle Sophia Lightwood (known by close friends and family as Izzy)

Date of Birth: 15th May 1991

Place of Birth: New York Institute

Species: Shadowhunter

Appearance: Attractive 5'9 woman with dark brown eyes and black hair. Tends to wear quite fancy/ outgoing clothes

Status: Alive


● Robert Lightwood (Father, deceased)

● Maryse Lightwood (Mother)

● Alec Lightwood (Brother)

● Max Lightwood (Brother, deceased)

● Jace Herondale (Adopted Brother)

● Simon Lewis (Boyfriend)

● Magnus Bane (Brother in law)

● Meliorn (former significant other/ sexual partner)

● Clary Fairchild (friend)

Allegiance: The Clave

Occupation: Weapons Master


● Shadowhunter gear (sensor, stele, seraph blade, witchlight etc)

● Whip- Izzy's weapon of choice.

● Lightwood Family heirloom (necklace)- given to Izzy by Magnus

About Izzy:

Izzy, like her older brother Alec, grew up in the New York Institute, run by their parents, and called that home for all of her childhood.

Izzy was very close with her siblings, Jace included. From an early age, Izzy was sure that she didn't want a parabatai. There was a time where she was certain that she wanted to be an Iron Sister, though that idea was dismissed when she found out she would have to swear off boys. Though this may be the case, she was very distrustful of relationships after finding out that her father had an affair when she was 13.

Izzy realised Alec's feelings for Jace when he came to her before the parabatai ceremony, not sure whether he should go through with it or not. Izzy, in the end, managed to convince him to. She explained that this bond may only come once in a lifetime, whereas someone else might come along to love him in the way that Jace can't. She was the only one to know about Alec's sexuality for years.

After Clary came to the Institute after her mother was kidnapped, Izzy got on extremely well with her. She was kind to her, lending her some of her clothes on arrival to the Institute and was there to work out problems with her later on. Izzy exercised that same kindness to Simon when he first arrived. She cooked for him and explained everything she could about the Shadow World.

When Max was killed by 'Sebastian' (Johnathan), Izzy took it really hard. She kept telling herself that she should have been there when he died, instead of a toy soldier he was found to be holding at the time for comfort. Because she ignored the fact that Max had apparently spotted someone climbing the towers, she blamed herself and believed that the attack could have been prevented. She skipped his funeral due to the fact she felt that she shouldn't go because she didn't deserve to.

Izzy and Simon have had their fair share of trouble in their relationship. Simon was in awe of Izzy from the moment he first met her, and she liked him too, though it took time for it to blossom into something romantic. After they started dating, Izzy and Maia spoke and found that Simon was seeing both of them at the same time, the reason being that neither of them had proclaimed their relationship with him as exclusive. Nevertheless, the pair both broke up with him. Later on, once Izzy had forgiven him and got back together with him, he gave up his immortality and he became a mundane once again, with no recollection of his life in the Shadow World. This left Izzy distraught, though they worked through it after Simon ascended and became a Shadowhunter after attending the academy.

Izzy, overall, is a very loyal person to her friends and family. She can be described as flirtatious and prone to mood swings, though her ferocity on missions is to be admired. She loves her brothers to death and will defend them tirelessly when they are threatened.

Article by kait-astrophe

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