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         As I step into my new office, I immediately notice my new teammates. I twirl my long, dark hair in between my fingers nervously. I check the note in my hand again for the name of who I was supposed to meet. 

        "Alright, Aaron Hotchner," I mumble to myself. Just then I feel a tap on my shoulder and spin around to find a short, blonde haired woman. 

        "Hi! You must be the new agent! I'm Agent Jareau, but you can call me JJ. Are you looking for Hotch's office?"

        "Yes, I am. I'm Lilith Porter, but you can call me Lil if you'd like."

        "Alright just go up the stairs and it's the first office on the top floor. Nice to meet you Lil!" I thank her and head upstairs. I reach the office that says Hotchner on the door and knock twice.  

        "Come in!" he says. I walk into his office and sit down in the leather chair in front of his desk. He's a tall, handsome man with dark hair. We introduce ourselves and discuss the team and procedures of the BAU. It's been about thirty minutes of talking before Hotch leads me out into the conference room to meet the rest of the team. I stand in the front and start my introduction. 

        "Hello everyone, I'm Lilith Porter or Lil for short. I was working in the sex trafficking division of the FBI before requesting transfer here. I'm looking forward to working with all of you." I am greeted by JJ again and then meet the rest of the team. The first person to come up to me is a tall, muscular black man.

        "Hey Lil, I'm Derek Morgan" We shake hands and then I move on to the next team member, a tall, lanky man with glasses.  

        "Hello Lilith, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid," I reach out to shake his hand but he doesn't extend it. Morgan laughs. 

        "Boy Genius doesn't shake hands," Morgan says. I laugh gently and do finger guns at Reid instead. The next person to greet me, a woman with funky glasses, wraps me in a big hug. 

        "OMG! I've been dying to meet you Lil! I'm Penelope Garcia, your computer genie! It's so great to meet you!" I laugh and hug her back. I have a feeling we'll be great friends. The following person is someone I've seen on the cover of books several times, a tall, handsome Italian man.

        "Ah Bella! I'm Rossi! So nice to meet you!" Rossi hugs me and kisses both of my cheeks. I turn around to the last member, a beautiful, dark haired woman. 

         "I'm Emily Prentiss," She says tersely. The rest of the team looks around at each other. I extend my hand and she shakes it firmly before letting go quickly. 

         "Alright everyone we have an urgent case so wheels up in 30. We will review the files in the air let's go. Porter I assume you have a go bag ready?" I nod. "Alright let's go team." We head to the plane.

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