Chapter 1

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Jennie's POV 

"Unnie wake up! We're going to be late again!" Chaeng shake me. I don't move. 

"You leave me no choice." I heard her say. I was about to get back into dreamland again when I feel water splashing in my face. I quickly got up and glared at her. 

"What the fuck chaeyoung." I firmly say. 

"Well, for your information unnie. It's already 7:30am and our class starts at 8. I don't want to be late again." She said as she bought down the bucket. 

"WHAT?!" I shout and look in the bedside table. My eyes widened when I see the clock indicating is already 7:32 in the morning. I quickly got up and run inside the bathroom and get showered. 

It's my fastest bath in my whole life! I quickly get dressed and get my school stuff. I didn't bother to put make up on. It can wait. I quickly run outside and get inside the car where chaeng already waiting for me. 

"Finally!" She say. I just rolled my eyes at her and started to fix myself more. 

"I guess you came home late again last night." she started. I just hummed and put lipstick in my lips. 

"Unnie I think you should stop going in the forest. That girl would never come to see you again unnie. And who knows? Maybe she's not there anymore." she said as she park. 

"Chaeng, I don't know.. It's just.. I want to see her again. Maybe she's in there somewhere. I know she's in there." I say. Chaeng stared at me before she hop out of the car. I sighed and followed her. 

It was almost 12 years since I've met Lili. I know she's the girl and the wolf that night. I didn't say anything to anyone. I let her secret safe with me. I'm always in the forest waiting for her to arrive in front of me again but she didn't. And in that 12 years I still don't know what her face looks like.  

I'm in the deep thought when I bump into someone causing me to drop my books. 

"I'm so sorr—" I cut myself as I see the eyes of the girl who I bump into. Her eyes.. It looks familiar. 

"Next time, pay more attention." She said and kneel to pick up my books. I still can't move because I'm still wondering where I see those eyes before.

"Here" she said and give me back my books. I didn't notice that she already walked away when I get back to myself. I look around but I didn't see her. 

"Unnie come one, we're already 10 minutes late. I'm sure Mr. Choi will scold us again." Chaeng said. I nodded to her and she started to knock on the door. 

"As expected, you're late again Ms. Kim and Ms. Park." Mr. Choi said as he stared at both of us. We bow our heads and say our apology to him and sat down in our seats. 

Our morning class ended and Chaeyoung, Irene and I is heading towards cafeteria for our lunch break. We arrived and ordered our food. Once we got our food we find available table to sit on. We found one besides the window. 

"So, Why are you two late again?" Irene asked. 

"Same reason unnie" Chaeng answered for the both of us. I just rolled my eyes at her and started to eat. 

"you're always there Jennie. Still hoping?" Irene asked again. "Yeah, I mean I was just sensing that she still live in there. Who knows right?" I answered and look outside. 

"But seriously Jennie, stop going out every night just to go in the middle of the forest. Something might happen to you." Irene said to me. I look at her and she has a worried face in hers. I look at chaeng and she is same with Irene. I sighed. 

"Nothing will happen to me." I assured them. They sigh and just nodded their heads and eat again. 

"Oh, btw. Mr. Choi said that there's a transferee's." Irene started again. 

"Huh? Why I don't see them earlier?" Chaeng asked.

"Because they're still busy on transferring their files. Mr. Choi said that they will join our class after lunch." Irene wiggled her eyebrows and laughed. 

"Wait. They? How many transferred today?" I asked. I somehow curious.

"They said three or four I don't really heard exactly." Irene shrugged and let it aside. After that no one open a topic again and we busied our selves on our food. 

Lunch ended and we head back to our room when I bump into someone again. Seriously? Why am I always bumping into someone this day?! I look up because the one who I bumped to is tall af. She wore a hoodie and the hood is on her head. What is she? A nerd? She's weird. 

"I'm sorr—" And for the second time I cut my sentence again. She's the girl who I bump into earlier!! My eyes widened as I stare at her eyes. 

"You again?" She said sounding bored. I snapped back and shake my head. Oh God Jennie! Get yourself together! 

"I.. Ah.. I'm sorry for earlier." I said and bow a little bit at her. 

"Don't mind it. As I said pay attention as you walk." She plainly said and walk inside the classroom. I raised my eyebrow. I don't remember that I have a classmate like her. I mean I didn't see her until now. 

I sat down in my seat as I look questionably at her. She didn't bother to look at me as she talking with the girls beside her. Wait, either of them I don't remember their faces being in this class. I look into Irene and Chaeng who's sitting behind me and they just give me a shurgged. Moments later Ms. Chaerin entered our class. 

"As Mr. Choi said to you, we have transferee's today. Please come here in front and Introduce yourself." Ms. Chaerin said and step aside. The three new faces girl stood up and go infront. 

The girl who is smaller among the two giggled and spoke. "Hi I'm Kim Jisoo. Nice to meet you all, hope we can be friends." She said and smile. She's cheerful. The next one who spoke is the girl in her left.

"I'm Kang Seulgi." She said. We all look at the  girl that I bumped into  and wait for her to speak. But I guess she doesn't have a plan on introduce herself. 

The girl named Jisoo nudge the girl and shook her head. "Lisa." She just said. I shivered. Her tone is cold as ice. She has a bored look in her face and when her eyes landed on mine, the feelings that I felt earlier came back. I felt like I've seen those eyes of hers. I just don't remember where or when. 

They sit again and focus on Ms. Chaerin but my eyes are still looking at Lisa.

"Stop looking." Irene said to me. I sighed. One more look and I focused my self on the lesson. 

To be continued....

So yeah.. Here's the chapter one. I hope you support this story. I'll try my best to satisfy you with my story :)

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