chapter 90

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She gEveryone looked at sidhharth for a moment and he looked at pandit ji immediately ignoring their curious eyes..

It was almost post 7..

The event management team took them to the nearby Mandap which was specially designed for the saat phere...

Sidharth and Shehnaz stook up in front of the sacred fire under the adorned mandap to take the vows of marriage..
Pandit ji asked to tie a knot between them.

Anu, who had actually tied the know of their love, came forward. Taking the corner of Shehnaz's pallu and Sidhharth shervani dupatta, he tied a right know.

Pandit ji- "Om esha ekapadi bhava iti prathaman"...."Dhanam dhanyam pade"

As told by Pandit ji, Sidharth took Shehnaz hand in his as he started taking the first phera with Shehnaz walking behind him..

In first phera, he promised to provide her food, take care of her nourishment and happiness.. she promised to take care of him.. his family and take the responsibility of being his better half.

Pandit ji- "Om oorje jara dastayaha"....."Kutumburn rakshayishyammi sa aravindharam”

As Sidharth took the second phera with Shehnaz behind him, he promised to protect his house, wife and children and Shehnaz promised to be his support and courage forever.. together they prayed God to give them mental and physical health for a blissful life..

Shehnaz felt Sidharth's fingers tightening around her and knew he was as emotional as her.. it was the most beautiful moment of their life.. to be honest, every moment had been beautiful ever since they crossed each other's path.. they were meant to be together and they managed to be each others fighting through all the odds..
Sidharth smiled feeling Shehnaz carasse his fingers softly to let him know that she is by his side forever.. she is part of him forever..

The third phera started..

Pandit ji- "Om Rayas Santu Joraa Dastayaha"..... "Tava Bhakti as Vadedvachacha"

Sidharth promised that he will work had to prove his wife a good and healthy life and give good education to his children and will take of them.. smiling, Shehnaz promised that she will love him devotedly and he will remain the only for her forever..together they prayed God for a healthy married life..

Pandit ji-  "Om Mayo Bhavyas Jaradastaya ha"....."Lalayami Cha Pade Vadet"

In the fourth phera, Sidharth shows his gratitude towards Shehnaz for making his life sacred and beautiful..he also prays for loving children.. Shehnaz promises that she will.shower his life with love, you and happiness..

As the fifth phera starts..

Pandit ji- "Om Prajabhayaha Santu Jaradastayaha".... "Arte Arba Sapade Vadet"

Sidharth promises that she will be his best friend and will trust her as well wisher.. he is happy to have her as his life partner and prays to God for her long life.. Shehnaz vows that she will trust and love him till her last breath.. his happiness will be her happiness...
Sidharths fingers tightened around her fingers with those words..knowing..  for him... her happiness is his happines...

Both the families were almost is tears of happiness as the epic saga of Sidharth and Shehnaz was completing..  they were making themselves belong to each other forever in the presence of families, well wishers and secret fire..
It was a beautiful and memorable moments because such love stories doesn't happen frequently..
For such rare lovestories... it needs a Sidharth and sidhehnaaz..

Pandit ji- "Rutubhyah shat padi bhava”...."Yajna Hom Shashthe Vacho Vadet"

In 6th phera, Sidharth express his happiness to Shehnaz for have walked these 5 pheras with him and asks if she will wall like this with him forever to which Shehnaz replied with a smile that she will stand by him forever and keep him happy...

As Pandit ji asked the couple to take 7th phera, Sidharth turned his face to look at Shehnaz with a smile who was almost in tears.. bending a little, he kissed her forehead making families smile at them with blessings..

Sidharth held her tighter and he started the 7th phera with his Shehnaz behind him..

Pandit ji- "Om Sakhi Jaradastayahga"...."Attramshe Sakshino Vadet Pade"

Sidharth and Shehnaz seals the bond with happiness and promise to be faithful companions..

Sidharth promises Shehnaz that he is hers and she is his till eternity..
Shehnaz accepts his claims and promises that  they will love, honor and cherish each other forever...

As the phera completed successfully..
Sidharth takes Shehnaz in his protective hug with a long kiss in her hair while Shehnaz starts crying feeling overwhelmed..

He knew what she felt because he felt the same.. only just he being a man couldn't express it the way she did..
Cupping her face, he rubbed his thumbs softly over cheeks to wipe her tears away ensuring he doesn't spoil her makeup..

She smiled at him amidst tears making him kiss her forehead and look at her with a broad smile.. a smile he hardly expressed.. but he did today..

He wanted to world to know that he is the happiest man today to have his baby as his wife now..

She was the best thing that ever happened to him..

She kept staring at him and the people around her seemed to blur..

She giggled softly as more tears rolled down..

He shook his head requesting her silently not to cry, "I love you Mrs. Sidharth.."

He heard lot of people hooting in background at the blunt claim while Shehnaz submitted herself in his embrace unable to face him as deep blush rushed through her cheeks and she mumbled in his chest.. loud enough.. only for him to hear, "I love you too Jana.."

Smiling, he hugged her tighter in his arms vowing to protect her from the world forever...

They were showered with rose petals and people blessed the couple..


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With love,

Shalaka 💙

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