Part 11

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Leo's p o v

   I sat in my office, thinking about all that had happened today "What I'm I doing?" I thought to myself "No lady has ever made me feel the way Abby makes me feel, I'm I truly in love with Abby Johnson? I mean, she's hot and all, but she's different from Susan and the rest of the girls I've ever been with" I thought to myself, standing up and pacing around the office "Abby Johnson, what are you doing to me?" I asked, aloud.

Buzz!!! My phone rang out loud, and I picked it up "Smith" I said irritatingly, after seeing the caller's name

"Smith, what is it?" I asked, after picking the call

"Hello Sir, sorry to disturb you Sir" he said shakily, "But I have bad news"

"What is it" I asked him curiously

"Sir, some...thing terrible has happened" he said stammering

"What happened" I said pacing around the office, eager to know what had happened "So, did a cat bite your tongue? Speak to me" I said shouting at him

"Sir, the stuff that are meant to get to the state, were high jacked on the way" he said, and I could sense fear in his tone "I'm very sorry sir, but I'm on the case now" he said

"I did not ask if you were on the case" I stated angrily. "Who high jacked them" I asked sharply

"Romeo's men SIR" he replied

"So, you mean to tell me that Romeo has my stuff" I shouted angrily "That son of a bitch took what belongs to me. Oh, I see he wants war, and he'll get it. Gather all our men together, we're going to war." I said, and then hung up the phone.

"Dam...n" I shouted, throwing anything that came in sight; chairs papers and objects I could find on the desk. "Damn you Romeo. Damn you" I said punching the wall. "Son of a bitch, you took what belongs to me, and you'll pay for this, you'll pay for it" I shouted

Knock!!! I got a knock on my door. "Sir, are you okay in there?" Susan asked from behind the door

"Go away" I told her, but she continued "But sir, you were" "Go away Susan, I don't want to see you, and I don't want to see anybody. Just go away" I said interrupting her statement.

I went to pour myself a whisky, and I sat in my chair and took a sip. I was a bit calm, but still angry "That son of a bitch took what's mine, and he'll pay for it." "No one takes what belongs to me" I said "No one, no one."

Buzz!!! I got a call on my phone. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I wanted to take the phone and switch it off. Not until I saw Abby's name as the caller id

"Abby" I said picking up the call

"Leo, I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me today" she said. Her voice made me relax

"It ok Abby, it's no problem." I said assuring her

"Are you okay?" she asked noticing the pain in my voice

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" I asked her

"You're sounding upset" she said

"I'm upset alright" I said not knowing when that came out of my mouth

"Want to talk about it?" she asked "I mean, we're friends right?"

"Sure" I said "I'll need a friend right now"

"Where can we meet?" she asked

"You know where" I replied back to her

"De Roma it is. See you then" she said, and then hung up.

I got up from my chair, took my suit, my phone and my car keys. And I headed for the door.

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to meet with a girl, just to talk." I thought to myself and smiled, and I went out the door.

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