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Two months later

"Mom, Dad. Are you done yet? We're going to be late" Abby said to her parents as she came down the stairs. "Sorry darling, but your dad couldn't find his bow tie, so I had to help him look for it." Jenny said coming down the stairs "Sorry pumpkin" Paul said from behind Jenny.

Paul and Leo had became best buddies, after Leo had proven his love for Abby by saving her from Martin.

They were all meeting up with Leo at De Roma restaurant. It seems Leo had a celebration that he invited; the Johnson's, Abby's aunty Judi and her son Timothy, Abby's friend Amber and some of his employees at work.

Abby and her parents arrived at the restaurant. "Can I help you?" one of the staffs in the restaurant asked "We have a reservation with Mr. Alexander" Abby replied the man

"Oh, right this way please" he said directing them to where Leo was seated "Thank you" she thanked the man immediately she saw Leo and the others.

"Hey guys" Abby said greeting them, and Jenny and Paul did the same, and they all settled down on their seats.

"Thank you all for coming" Leo said standing up "I invited you all here to witness this moment with me." Everyone were confused, and then he continued "Abby and I had our first date here in this restaurant, and this was the place I also asked her to be my girlfriend. Paul and Jenny, may I have your permission for Abby's hand in marriage?" he asked, and they both nodded smiling. "Ok then, Abby Johnson, I can't imagine living life without you, everything is incomplete without you, life makes no sense without you. So abby, will you make me the happiest man on earth, by being my wife?" he asked going down on his knees and opening a tiny red box that contained a diamond ring. Abby couldn't believe her eyes neither her ears, all she could do was cover her mouth with her hand to stop her from screaming. Everyone was waiting to hear Abby's response including Jenny and Paul

"Yes, yes I'll marry you Leo Alexander" she said stretching her left hand to him, for him to place the ring on her ring finger. After he did so, he got up on his feet and hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back the same way.

"Congratulations" everyone shouted, and they all cheers to their engagement.


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