Part 14

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Abby's p o v

"Bye mom and dad, see you later this evening. Love you" I shouted to my parents at the dining table. "Bye honey, love you so much" they shouted back. And I headed for the door.

Getting outside, I saw John, Leo's driver, waiting with the car. "Good morning mam" John greeted me after seeing me coming out of the house "Good morning John. I'm so sorry for taking so long" I said after greeting him, heading towards where the car was. "No problem mam, it's my job you know" he said to me and then opened the door "Thank you" I thanked him and entered the car, and he bowed and then closed the door.

The drive to work was just a thirty minutes drive from my house to the company. Getting to the driveway of the company, John came out of the car, and he ran swiftly to where I was seated and opened the door for me to come out of the car. "Thank you" I thanked him, and he gently bowed, and went back into the car and drove to the parking lot.

I got into the building, and I passed Susan desk she wasn't there "Where could she have gone to" I thought to me. I became close with Susan these past few days; she has always been assisting me in work related issues. I passed the other staffs desk. But it seem like they were all looking at me, like I've done something wrong. "Good morning" I greeted while passing them "Good morning" only few responded to my greetings, and the rest few hissed and looked away to their computer's screen.

"Hey" Zach called. Zach is one of the staffs, and he is quite friendly towards me, I don't know maybe it's because he developed interest in me or something, but I knew he was a nice guy. "Hi" I greeted him.

"Is what I heard true?" he asked. "Is what true?" I asked clearly confused. "That you and the Boss are in a relationship now" he said "Oh, so the news has spread like wildfire already" I said, "Yeah, more than wildfire. In fact, all the ladies here including Susan are really angry with you" he said shaking his head

"Oh, that's why everyone was giving me the cold shoulders" I thought to me. "Ok, thank you Zach, but I'll go to my office now" I said already starting to live, before he called me back "Hey, be careful ok" he said to me, "And why is that?" I asked him. "Because, that Boss of ours is not a serious person, he's a player. I wouldn't like you to hear this from my mouth, but I just have to tell you this" he said looking around "The Boss has slept with all the females in this building" he whispered nodding his head. "Be careful ok" he finally said. "Thanks for the advice" I said, and walked pass him heading to the elevator.

I got to the 5th floor where Leo's office was, I got to the door of the office, and I heard people talking inside, more like arguing. I opened the door and entered the office, I found Susan sitting on the chair crying, and Leo looked really angry. "What's going on here?" I asked after entering the office. "And Susan, why are you crying?" I asked her, and she just got up from where she was seated, and gave me a terrible look, and walked pass me towards the door. And I looked at Leo "What happened to her?" I asked him. "Oh nothing, she's just looking for something that she can never have" he said and came closer to me and pulled me in for a kiss. "I've missed you so much" he said after pulling away from me. "And how's my sweetie pie doing today?" he asked, carrying me up, and placing me on his desk "I'm ok" I replied, biting my lower lip. "And how is my sugar plum doing today" I asked "He's doing ok" he replied, and then bent his head to kiss me again.

Buzz!!! I heard a phone ring "Love, isn't that your phone?" I asked pulling away from him "Oh, it's not important" he said, bending again to kiss me, and I pulled back "Love, the call might be important" I said handing over his phone to him.

Haw!!! He sighed, and then picked the call "Hello" he said walking away from where I was. I couldn't hear much of his conversation with the caller, but I could hear him scolding the person on the phone. "Get it done" I heard him say, and then he hung up the call.

"Sorry about that" he said heading back to where I was on his desk. "So, did you miss me?" he asked holding me on my waist. I shook my head "So you didn't miss me then" he said close to me, his breathe fanning my face. "I would have, if only you weren't so rude to people" I said lifting my face up to the ceiling, pretending to be counting it.

"You should be thankful that you're cute" he said, and then I looked at him "And what would have happened if I wasn't?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "I would have walked you out the door" he said looking at my lips and leaking his. "You're not a gentleman Mr. CEO" I said squeezing his nose, and then he chuckled, and then pulled me in for a hug "I love you sweetie pie" he mumbled in my ears "I love you too sugar plum" I whispered underneath my voice.                

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