Part 10

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Leo's p o v

Paul and Jenny had explained what had happened to them on their way back from the Grey's house.

Matilda Grey was Jenny's Friend, and Paul's friend Philip Grey, happens to be her husband. They we're having a get together party Abby was not informed about, at their house. They lived at Kinsley hills, the next place after San Antonio Vega. On their way back home, their car had a fault, and they happened to be in a place that had no service. Fortunately for them, 'Caleb's De Royal' was three blocks away from where their car broke down. So they lodged in the motel, hoping that their phones will have service that night. But unfortunately, they're phones had service the next morning. So that's how they contacted Abby, and that's how we ended up here.

Few minutes after that, we we're heading back home. "John, drop me off at the office, and then drop the Johnson's at their house" I said to my driver "After you drop them off, then you can come back to the office. Ok?"

"Yes sir" he replied "Elm, Sir" Abby called

"Yes Abby" I answered

"Thanks for everything you've done for me, I'm very grateful." She continued "I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did at the motel, I'm really sorry about that, please forgive me."

"Abby, I told you not to call me Sir" I said looking at her, and then she bent her head to her laps. And then I continued "it's okay, I understand the fear of losing your parent" then she looked at me "Well that's story for another time" I said to her, smiling

"Sir, we're here" the driver said, looking at me from the rear view mirror. I turned to the rest of the passengers in the car; everyone was looking at me and Abby. Except from Judi, she was asleep.

"Ok, I have to go now" I said to them, then opened the car door. "Leo" someone called. It was Paul "Thank you for everything" he said, and then smiled at me

"So we'll see you for dinner tomorrow night?" Jenny said, and then I looked at Abby, she was curious to know my answer "Ok, tomorrow" I said, smiling at Abby, and then she smiled back at me.

"So pal, see you later?" Judi asked, waking up from her sleep. I and Judi became close these past minutes we spent together, she wasn't really that irritating like I thought, on the contrary, she was fun and she understands me. "Yeah, see you later pal" I said, winking at her, and then she laughed.

"Ok, got to go now" I said to them, "Bye Leo" they all said to me, and then I close the car door. And in an instant, the car zoomed of and out of sight.

Abby's p o v

"Why did Sir Leo help me out today?" I thought to me, "Maybe he's like that to everyone he knows." I laid down in my bed thinking about everything that had happened today, not knowing when my Mom walked in. I felt someone's hand touch me on my laps, and then I rose up my head to find my mom staring at me with her brown eyes "Mom" I said, surprised to see her, and then sat up in bed

"Hey honey, surprised to see me?" she asked, smiling at me. I nodded gently. And then she continued "You know, that your boss likes you" she said, still smiling at me

"Mom, what do you mean?" I asked her sharply. And then she came closer to me and sat beside me "Your boss likes you, and I know you like him to" she said, and then continued "in fact, I think he's in love with you" "You know not every boss lives the comfort of his office to help a staff find her parent" she said, looking at me

"You know, it been a long time since you've had a boyfriend. And he'll make a good boyfriend" she said, and then stood up, and headed for the door. She opened the door and then turned back to me and said "Think about it" and then she smiled and said "Love you honey" and then left the room "Love you to mom" I whispered.

I sat in bed thinking about what my mom had said to me, and all that had happened today, and everything that has been happening since I met Sir Leo; at the office, at the restaurant and what had happened today at the motel.

I 'sighed' and dropped on my bed and wondered "Could mom be right, does Sir Leo really like me"

I 'sighed' again "What do you really want from me Leo?" I thought to myself, and rolled myself in bed "I should better go downstairs for lunch" I said to myself, and got up from bed and headed for the door.

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