Part 17

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Abby's p o v

I woke up this morning as early as 7 am, I wanted to prepare breakfast for Leo, and he was still fast asleep, so I didn't want to disturb him. I went into the kitchen, some other maids were cleaning "Good morning ma" they all greeted after seeing me. "Good morning. And please, call me Abby" I said to them, and they all nodded their heads. "Where's Mary?" I asked one of them. "She's outside giving orders to the gardener" she replied, and I nodded.

I was frying the eggs when Mary entered the kitchen "Good morning" she greeted. "Oh, good morning Mary" I greeted back. "So you cook" she said. "Yes I do, I wanted to prepare breakfast for Leo, hope you don't mind?" I asked. "No, no, no, feel free" she said, "What can I help you with?" she asked coming close to where I was. "Elm, you can help me with the sausage" I said pointing at the sausage on the kitchen table. She then nodded and went to the side of the kitchen table.

After we finished cooking, I asked Mary to prepare the table so I can go call Leo. When I was about to go upstairs, Leo was already coming down the stairs. He was well dressed and he looked so handsome. He kept on smiling at me as he approaches me. He got to where I was standing at the bottom of the staircase, and then he hugged me and kissed my lips "Good morning my queen" he said. "He said it again" I thought to me. "Good morning sugar plum. Where are you off to?" I asked him. "I'm off to a meeting with a client" he said. "But today is Saturday" I said. "It's not a work related meeting, and I won't take long" he said. "Ok, what about breakfast?" I asked. "Oh breakfast, you made it?" he asked looking at me, but mostly, his eyes were on my lips. I nodded. "Ok then, I'll have breakfast" he said, and then sat on the chair, and then he placed his phone on the table, and he started to eat, I just sat there watching him eat. He checked the time on his watch "I got to go, breakfast was delicious" he said standing up, and then kissing my forehead "See you later" he said and then walked out the door.

I turned to clear the table where he had breakfast, and then I noticed that he had left his phone on the table. I ran outside to give him his phone, but he had already left. I noticed his SUV wasn't there, so I guessed he drove by himself.

"John, John" I called Leo's driver. "How may I help you maam?" he asked. "I need you to go after Leo. He left his phone, so I want to give it to him" I said to him. "Okay maam, let's go" he said, and then I hurried into the car, and he drove off. I could see Leo's car in front of us. He then pulled over in front of a building. John pulled up the car not too close to the building. "Wait here for me; I'll just go give his phone to him and return back here, okay." I said to John, and he nodded his head, and then I went into the building.

"Romeo, Romeo, Romeo" I heard Leo's voice immediately I entered the building. I followed where the voice was coming from. And then I peeked into a room, and I saw a man tied to a chair, he was badly beaten up, and then I looked up to see the person standing in front of him, it was Leo, he was pointing a gun at the beaten man.

"What is Leo doing, pointing a gun at someone" I thought to me. A part of me wanted to go to him, and another part was urging me to stay and watch, so I stayed and watch.

"Do you know what I do to people that steals from me, huh?" he asked the man "I have them killed" he said. "Sir, should we end him?" another voice asked, and then I noticed two other figures standing beside Leo. "No, I'll kill him myself" Leo said to them, and then he cocked his gun and asked the man "Any last words?" and then he fired the gun, and the bullet went straight into the man's head.

I squeaked at the sound of the gunshot, and then I covered my mouth so that no one would hear me. I ran out of the building and headed straight to the car. "Drive, fast" I said to John immediately I got into the car.

Throughout the ride back to Leo's house, I kept on thinking about what I'd just witnessed at that building. "Leo, gun, shoot, killed" I thought to me "No, no, no, no, no. It's all a dream" I said. "Are you alright maam?" John asked after hearing me. But I ignored him.

When we got to the mansion, I went straight upstairs to Leo's room, and I started to weep. I sat on the bed and remembered what I had witnessed, and wept even more. "How can he lie to me, he looked me in the eyes and lied to me" I said standing up and pacing around the room. "You bastard" I shouted, picking up a vase on the table close to the bed, and throwing it at the door.

I heard a knock on the door "Are you ok maam?" Mary asked behind the door. I didn't reply to her question. And then I stood up and packed my things, I opened the door to find Mary and the rest of the maids in front of the door "Tell Leo that I've gone away from his house and away from his life. And that he should never look for me" I told them, and then I left the house.

Leo's p o v

I came home; I couldn't find anyone in the house, so I went upstairs to my room, Abby wasn't there either, and her things were nowhere to be found. "Mary, Mary" I called as I came down the stairs. "Sir" she answered, coming out of the kitchen. "Where's Abby?" I asked her. "Sorry sir, but she left" Mary said. "She left, to where?" I asked, but she only shrugs her shoulders. "It all kind of happened after she and John had returned from giving you your phone. It seems that you forgot your phone at home, and she followed you to it back. I thought you should know what happened" she said to me. "You mean she followed me?" I asked her just to be sure of what I heard, and then she nodded. "Shit" I cursed.

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