Part 19

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Leo's p o v

I didn't leave the house today, I didn't want to. I felt so empty without Abby, she was all I had and she's gone. I sat in my home office thinking about Abby, not until I got a call on my phone, it was an unknown caller.

"Hello" I said, after I picked the call.

"Le...o my friend, how are you doing" I heard the voice of my worst enemy, Martin.

"What do you want Martin?" I asked him

"You killed my brother Leo, and I want to return the favor" he said

"What do you mean return the favor?" I asked him

"You see, I have your girlfriend" "Abby" I said immediately he told me about my girlfriend. "Yeah, that's right, I have Abby" he said

"Don't you dear touch Abby" I said to him

"That depends on you. If you love Abby you'll do as I say, understand?" he asked

"What do you want?" I asked him

"I want you to come to my territory. You know where that is right?" he asked

"Yes I do, I'll be there." I said to him

"And one more thing" he said

"What?" I asked impatiently

"Make sure you come alone" he said. And then he hung up the phone. I called smith and told him about it, he said he had a plan. And then I picked up my cell phone and my car keys, and I drove off to martin's territory.

    I got to Martin's territory, I saw some men in front of the building, and then I approached them. They searched me; they found out that I was clean. Then one of the men led me into the building.

I got into the building, it hasn't changed a bit, and it was still the old, dirty place that I knew. A place where drug dealing businesses held, this was the very first place I came to when I started the drug dealing business with Martin, that was before I betrayed him.

"Leo, my buddy" Martin said coming out of a room to where I was standing, "I see you did as I said" he said smiling wickedly.

"Where is Abby?" I asked angrily, pulling him by his shirt, at that moment, his men were already pointing their guns at me. "Chill buddy, the girl is fine" he said waving at his men to put their guns down, and then he straightened up his shirt, "Come let's go see her" he said walking towards the direction of a large door, and immediately, I knew Abby was in there. When we got to the door, he and his men stood by the side of the door "Go on. You wanted to see her right? She's in there" he said directing me inside the room.

I entered the room, and then looked to my side. There she was. Tied up to a chair "Abby" I called running towards her. I fell on my knees and instantly a tear rolled down my face. "Abby, what did they do to you?" I asked her, despite the fact that i knew she was unconscious. I tried losing the ropes that tied her to the chair, and then something or someone knocked me out, and I fell unconscious.

I woke up to find myself tied to a chair. "Martin you bastard, come face me if you have the guts you coward" I shouted to the empty room, hoping that he could hear me. "Let Abby go. Abby has nothing to do with this. It is me you want right? Well I'm here now, let Abby go." I shouted, hoping for him to come, but he didn't.

"Leo" Abby said, waking up "Abby" I called, hearing her voice "I'm here Abby, and I'll never live you alone ok" I said to her.

"Well well, look what we got here, a happy reunion." Martin said, coming into the room "But it won't last. Say your goodbyes Leo, because I'm going to kill you" he said pointing his gun at me. He cocked the gun, and he was about to shoot "Put the gun down, put it down" a voice shouted from the entrance of the room. And then I turned to see Martin's men lying on the floor with both their hands on their head, and before I knew it, the police came in and untied the ropes from my hands and legs.

"Are you okay Mr. Alexander?" one of the police men asked "Abby" I said standing up from the chair.

"The lady is okay sir, she's outside with my men" the man answered. Instantly, I ran outside, and I saw Abby talking to the police men. "Abby" I called to her. And then immediately, she ran to me and gave me a hug "I'm so sorry Leo" she said. "No, I should be the one apologizing. I was the one who lied to you, I'm sorry Abby" I said to her.

"Leo. The police, what if they know about your business?" she said looking at me. "Don't worry about that, I cleaned up my mess" I said smiling at her, and rubbing my right thumb on her left cheek. "And you won't do anything of that sort again?" she asked "I promise" I said to her. And then she hugged me, and I hugged her back.

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