Part 9

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           We were heading to San Antonio Vega, to a motel named 'Caleb's De Royal', everyone in the car especially Abby, was worried. It was an hour drive from Roadie Avenue, to San Antonio. We were already exhausted.

"I need a drink, I'm thirsty" Judi said fanning herself in the passenger's seat.

"Maybe you should be a little patient, we're almost there" Leo said rolling his eyes. "What's wrong with this woman?" he thought to himself.

Few minutes later, we were in front of 'Caleb's De Royal'. It was a shabby looking building; it was not too far from the road, it has a little driveway that looks out of class because of its ancient structure. We all got out of the car, and went inside the building; it was so dusty like no one has ever been here for a very long time.

"When was the last time someone cleaned this place?" Leo asked, covering his nose

Abby gave a look. You know, the kind meaning; 'Must you say anything?' and then turned to her front

They all headed to the reception, getting there, they saw a weird looking lady. She was tall, skinny, red haired and white skinned.

"She must be the receptionist" Judi whispered under her voice, "What a weird looking lady"

"It's seems like she was the last descendants of goblin" Leo whispered to Judi, and then Judi started laughing

"You guys, be serious" Abby said, glaring at us

"Sorry" Judi said, still laughing, "But you know she looks weird right" Leo asked, raising his eyebrows to Abby. "Maybe you shouldn't have come alone with us" Abby said, facing him "Sorry" he whispered.

We got to the receptionist table. "Good afternoon" Abby greeted, with a smile, "Good afternoon, and how may I help you" the weird looking receptionist asked, looking at us. "Please, I'm asking about some guests you had yesterday" Abby replied. "Ok, what are their names?" she asked chewing the gum in her mouth "Jenny and Paul Johnson" Abby replied. Then the lady went ahead to search a register.

"Ok, they indeed lodged yesterday" the lady said "They're in room number 904"

"And where is that please?" Abby asked, "It's upstairs, the hall by your right" the lady said still chewing the gum.

"Ok, thank you" Abby thanked the lady and then turned to Leo and Judi "Come on guys, let's go" she said to them.

We climbed the staircase, most of them were already broken, and some had gone to their creator.

"What kind of creepy place is this?" Leo and Judi asked almost the same time, and then they turned to themselves and said "Jinx" then they started laughing together. "Guys, behave yourselves" Abby said, facing them "You're not making any of this easy at all" then she turned and started walking towards the right side of the hall way as the receptionist as said.

"If you free your mind a little bit, maybe you'll try to have fun" Leo said, merely like a whisper

"W...hat did you s...ay?" Abby asked, turning to him "Did you know how worried I was about my parent? And you're here telling me what? That I should free my mind" "How can you tell me to free my mind?" she asked, already shouting at Leo. "I don't care if you're my boss right now, if you don't watch what you say to me, I'm going to punch you in the face. Did you get that?" she asked, and then turned towards the pathway of the hall.

"Calm down, try to understand her" Judi said to Leo "She's worried about her parent."

"I understand. It's not her fault" Leo said, giving Judi a smile, and then started walking through the pathway of the hall

The walk through the hall was very quiet, after what Abby had said earlier, no one wanted to be in her bad side. We got to a room where they had written 'Room 904'

"We're here" Abby said, and then knocked on the door. She waited a few seconds and then knocked on it again. Then someone opened the door, it was a lady, she looked exactly like Judi. She was white, brown haired like Abby, brown eyes like Judi. The only difference between Judi and the lady was that, the lady was a little taller than Judi.

"Mom" Abby shouted hugging the woman by the door "Honey, I missed you so much" the woman said hugging Abby back. "Where's Dad?" Abby asked, looking at jenny "He's in here" Jenny replied, and then she turned to Judi "You came sister" she said stretching her hands to Judi, inviting her in for a hug. Then Judi went to hug her sister "I was so worried, I was scared that something might have happened to you" Judi said, already starting to cry. After the cries and hugs, Jenny turned to look at Leo and then back at Abby. "Mom, this is my boss Leo, he brought us here in his car. He was also worried about you guys" Abby said, after noticing her mother's look. "Oh, nice to meet you sir" Jenny said

"Please call me Leo" Leo said to her, "Ok Leo, thank you for coming for us." "Yeah thank you" another voice said from behind Jenny, it was deeper than that of Jenny's "Dad" Abby said, going to hug him, "Hey pumpkin" the man said, hugging Abby back "I'm Mr. Johnson, but you can call me Paul" He said to Leo, offering to shake his hand "Leo" Leo said, and then shook his hand "Come in please" Paul ushered them into the room.

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