Part 18

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Leo's p o v

I called Abby's mom to find out if Abby had returned home, but she wasn't home. But her mom had directed me to one of Abby's friends Amber; she said she goes to Amber's when she was really down. I got into my car and headed to Amber's house on Hill Top Street. Hill Top Street is a two hour's drive from my mansion, so I had no issues getting there. "I hope you're there Abby" I said to myself while driving.

Abby's p o v

I went to Amber's house; it was a two hour's drive from Leo's mansion, so I took the bus. Amber and I have been childhood friends from when we were five years old. So she was the only person I could run to in times like this. I couldn't bring myself to tell her the reason why I left Leo's house.

I kept on crying on her shoulders. "Let it out, let it all out, it's ok to cry." She said tapping my back

Ding dong!!! The door bell rang, "I'll be right back" she said, and then stood up to get the door.

"Please come in" she told the person at the door. And then I looked up to see who had entered the house, it was Leo. "What are you doing here, I thought I said not to look for me" I said shouting at him. "Get out now, I don't want to ever see you again, go" I shouted standing up to push him out of the house, before Amber came calling me down, she made me sit on the couch and told me to calm down.

For a moment there, I was calm. "I'll excuse you guys" Amber said, and then she went into the kitchen. "Abby, I'm so sorry for lying to you, I wanted to stop the entire bad things I was doing. I managed to stop chasing after women. Since I found you Abby, my whole life has changed." He said and then came closer to her. "What other bad things are you talking about? Is it the fact that I saw you kill someone?" I asked him.

And then he shook his head "No Abby, it's the fact that I'm a drug dealer" he said, and then he started to cry. I couldn't believe my ears. I then stood up from the couch were I was seating, and then looked at him and said "Many said you weren't good for me, but I didn't listen, I should have known you were like this."

He then knelt to beg for my forgiveness, telling me how a fool he was. I cried feeling more foolish, annoyed, disoriented and pained. If only I knew how to leave, how to forget this man, how to act as if all this never happened.

I then closed my eyes and said. "I'm sorry, but you have to go." He raised his head to look at me, to look into my eyes, to see if there was any truth in what I had just said. But to his disappointment, my gaze held no emotions.

He got up on his feet, he was short of words. But he managed to say "Ok, if that's what you want, then I'll leave you alone." He then went out the door. And then I collapsed on the floor and started to weep. "Oh God, Abby" Amber said coming out of the kitchen and knelt down close to me on the floor, "Please stop crying" she begged me. "I love him Amber, I love him so much" I said to her still crying. "I know you do, I know." She said, and then she hugged me.

    I woke up the next morning, I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom; I took my bath and brushed my teeth, and I wore freshly new clothes, and then I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and saw that Amber had already prepared breakfast for me. "Huh, it's so nice of her to care for me this way" I said to myself. I went to get the food from the kitchen table, and then I notice that there was a note under the dish. I picked it up and read;


I hope you slept well pumpkin. I made breakfast for you, and I also left some money on the table in the sitting room. Use that to go out and get yourself some coffee. And please, lighten up a little bit. And remember, I love you so much.


After eating my breakfast, I took my purse and went to the sitting room, and I took the money on the table, and I went out the door. I went into a café five blocks away from Amber's house. I don't know, but I felt as if someone was following me. I came out from the café, and I started to work down the street, I was already three blocks away from the café, before I noticed a car pulled up in front of me, and a man came out of the car he was so tall and well built, and he was coming closer to me. So I tried to run back to the café I came from, but the man had a grip on me and before I knew it, he placed a handkerchief on my nose and mouth, and I was unable to breathe, and before I knew it, I was dozing off to sleep.

I woke up to find myself blind folded, and tied to a chair. "Please, let me go, what do you want from me? Please, I'll give you anything. Just let me go" I cried struggling with the chair.

"Boss, she's awake" a deep voice said. "Oh, is she?" another voice said. And I could hear footsteps coming closer to me. "Abby Johnson" the voice said, "You see, I know a lot about you Abby; I know where you live, who your parents are, who your friend is and who you're presently dating." He continued.

"What do you want from me?" I asked the man. "I want your boyfriend, Leo." he said.

"I'm the wrong person to ask about Leo from. You see, we had an argument yesterday, and I don't know where you can find him." I said to the man. "You still don't understand Abby, you see, you are the bait, and Leo is going to come for you. And when he does, do you know what I'm going to do to him?" he asked, "I'm going to kill him" he said

"You bastard, you won't lay a finger on Leo, because I'll kill you" I shouted. He then removed my blind fold. I closed my eyes because of the effect of the light. I gradually regained my vision, and I could see a man standing in front of me smiling.

"You're beautiful. I can see why Leo fell for you." He said leaking his lips. "Do you know what, after I kill Leo, I'll make you mine" he said bringing his face closer to mine, and then I bit his nose as hard as I could. "Shit" he cursed "Bitch" he said, and then he slapped me. But I could see blood gushing out from his nose. And I smiled in satisfaction.

I sat there in the room alone, until a man came into the room; he was the same man I saw earlier. "Leo will kill you all." I said to the man "And you, I'll kill you myself" I said, before he took a handkerchief from his pocket and covered my nose with it, and then I dozed off to sleep.

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