Part 12

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   We sat in the restaurant looking at each other's faces. "You look beautiful" Leo said breaking the silence

Hem!!! Abby couched reacting to the statement Leo made "So, will you like to tell me what happened to you?" Abby asked trying to change the subject "Why were you upset earlier?"

"Hmm, because I... elm lost my... elm goods" he said stammering "Elm... my goods were to arrive here today. So I... elm lost it. But it not something that I can't handle" he said assuring her that everything was alright. "In fact, as I speak to you now, my men are on the case"

"Your men" Abby said confused

"Did I say my men? Silly me, I meant the police" he said changing his statement

"So, how are things?" he asked, trying to change the subject

"Fine, everything is fine" she replied

"And how are your parent?" he asked sipping from his glass of wine

"My parents are fine. In fact, they sent their regards." she replied "You see, I told them that something was wrong with you and that I was coming to see you" she said sipping from her glass of wine "I mean, I thought so until now, it's seems you're fine" she said looking at him. Then they both fell silent again.

"On the contrary, I wanted to see you" Leo said breaking the silence. And then Abby looked up at him "I know we've seen today and all, but we were not alone. I wanted to spend some time with you alone" he said looking at her "Is that too much to ask?" he asked and then Abby looked down to her table

"No, no it's not too much to ask" she replied, and then looked up at him "I also wanted to see you" she said twisting her brown hair and smiling shyly

"You also wanted to see me" Leo repeated not believing his ears. And then they both fell silent again

"So" they said together and then looked at themselves and smiled "What" they said again, together

"Maybe you should go first" Leo said

"No please, go first" Abby said, and they both fell silent again.

"I want you Abby" Leo said breaking the silence "I want you like I've never wanted any woman before, I want you like I want the air to breathe" he said, and then took her hands and held them tightly "I don't know if I'm crazy or something. But all I do know is that I'm falling for you Abby Johnson"

Abby couldn't believe her ears. "This man just confessed to falling for me" she thought to herself, and then looked at him

"Say something please, anything" Leo said desperate to hear her response. At that point, Abby just realized that she was silent all this while

"Elm, I don't know what to say" she said still looking at him

"Say anything" Leo said

"I like you to Leo Alexander" Abby said to him feeling shy about the statement she just made. At that point, Leo stood up from his sit, and went over to Abby's side and knelt down beside her

"Will you be my girlfriend Abby Johnson?" Leo asked "I didn't plan for all this to happen. In fact, all I wanted was just to see you. But I believe destiny has its own way of doing things right" he said and then asked again "Abby Johnson, will you be my girlfriend?"

Abby didn't know what to do; if she should cry, laugh or jump. But all she knew was that this man likes her and she likes him to, and that he makes her happy. So, what's stopping her from saying yes? "Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend, yes" she said bending down to hug him.

"Thank you so much" Leo said hugging her tightly "I promise not to hurt you, I'll give all the love I have to you" "I'll make you happy Abby" he said to her, and they both stood up to find the whole customers in the restaurant looking at them. And instantly, they all start to applaud

Congratulations!!! They all shouted. And Leo pulled Abby closer to him, and they both smiled to themselves.

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