𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 𝚕 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛

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"Psst, Yachi...." The first year nearly jumped out of her skin. I woke someone up! She thought, panicking. She had woken up a few minutes earlier, used to schedule of making breakfast for her mother. She immediately shoved her open sketchpad under her pillow, glancing around her shoulder. Sakura, who's hair pointed every-which-way, waved. "Hey, want to go for a run?" 


"Are you sure it's a good idea to be running with your knee and all?" Yachi inquired, fixing her shirt a little as Sakura finished stretching. 

"I'm fine. As long as I don't do anything too extreme, it'll be good. I gotta keep myself in shape, anyhow." She flexed a muscle, grinning at Yachi, who blushed, looking away and at the path with a nervous bead of sweat rolling down her brow. She was getting flashbacks to when Hinata dragged her to see her mom. "And don't worry about getting left alone, I run pretty slow." Sakura reassured, nodding her head forward. "Ready?" 

Sakura didn't lie, the pair ran at a leisure pace around the school with light chit-chat. Yachi was pleasantly surprised to find out that she was actually Kuroo's twin, and that she really really liked cats. Sakura on the other hand, found out Yachi's mother was a designer, and Yachi herself aspired to follow in her footsteps. 

"No, I think that's really cool what you want to do." Sakura said, glancing over. "You'll have to show me something when you have the chance. I'd love to see what you've done, I think that's awesome!" Yachi tripped at the sudden compliment, going flying. Sakura reacted quickly, shifting her body to take the fall. She grunted when her knee twisted, but still wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's form. 

Yachi blinked before everything hit her at once. 

She just tripped. 

Sakura caught her. 

She was laying on Sakura. 

Sakura had really nice breasts. 

Oh. She pushed herself up, embarrassed apologies passing her throat. Her face flared a deeper red when she noticed she was, in fact, straddling a third-year. Sakura threw her head back and laughed at the situation, her hands automatically settling above Yachi's hips. "Oh my," she wheezed. "You are by far, the clumsiest person, I've met. You are so adorable."

"Woo~ Get it Kura!" A voice called. Yachi lit up bright red at the sound of another voice. She turned and saw Bokuto and Kuroo jogging along the path towards them, big shit-eating grins painting their features. She jumped off of Sakura, who glared at her brother. 

"Bo, can you help a bro out?" She called pitifully. Bokuto shook his head, but held his hand out, hauling Sakura to her feet. She toppled against him and he cocked a brow. 

"What's wrong Kura?" He asked. She winced. 

"Ah, I think I twisted my knee a little." She muttered. Bokuto didn't need to hear anything else as he crouched down. She yelped as she was picked up and set on his shoulders, hands latching onto his face. Bokuto snorted. 

"Easy there. I'll get you to the gym and Kuroo will get an ice-pack." Kuroo huffed, muttering something along the lines of, 'I'm not your damn maid' before turning on his heel, stalking back towards the school. 

As the three walked towards the gym where practice was starting, Yachi buzzed around them worriedly. 

"Are you okay, Sakura? What happened? Do you need anything? I'm so sorry!" Sakura bonked her on the head lightly. 

"I'm okay. My knee twisted. I don't need anything. And don't be sorry, 'cause it's not your fault." Yachi rubbed the tender spot on her head but nodded anyways. "It happens sometimes anyway, my knee will act up. So don't worry about it." She pat Bokuto's head. "And thanks, you big owl. I owe ya' one." He seemed pleased by this. 

"How about some sets later?" He asked. "If you're up for it...?" She tapped her chin, considering his words. 

"Only if Yacchan comes with me." Yachi went rigid. "Maybe she could get a little inspiration for her designing." She winked. 

Yachi flushed. 

"Um...sure! I'd love to!" She was definitely going to get inspiration, considering her current art piece was going to be right in front of her. 

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