𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷4 𝚕 𝙲𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜 & 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚝𝚑

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She was warm, very, very warm. 

Yachi snuggled further into the blankets, enjoying the warmth and the...soft breathing in her ear. Oh...She thought. Oh god! I'm cuddling with THE Sakura Kuroo!  Her eyes peered up nervously, greeted by a lovely sight.

Sakura's hair was a total mess, her black locks sticking out every-which-way, her mouth hanging open and drooling slightly. Light snores passed her lips and her cheeks were flushed with slumber. 

Yachi had never seen something so beautiful. 

Currently, Sakura's arm was secured around Yachi's waist, her other hand propping up her head. If Yachi wanted to leave and not wake the third-year, it would be impossible. So instead, she opted to nuzzle in closer, listening to Sakura's steady heartbeat. Though, the time was short lived when Sakura stretched her good leg, groaning loudly as her body cracked and popped. 

"Oho~?" Her grip on Yachi tightened a little. "I spy, with my little eye an...Adorable angle who I most definitely do not deserve~" She cooed, pressing her face against the top of Yachi's head, who was flaring a deep red. She shifted a little and sucked in a breath. "Holy heck. I need my drugs." She whined. Yachi pushed back a little at this, concern etching her face. 

"Are you okay?" Sakura blinked. 

"Yeah. But I just realized. We live like an hour away. So what in the heckin' heck are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining." She pulled her arm away, stretching both above her hand. 

"Kuroo asked me if I would come over for you surgery and offered to pay for my trip." She answered, opting to stretch as well. A fond smile stretched across Sakura's face. 

"That idiot." She muttered. "I love him." She looked down at her knee, wrapped up securely in a brace. "Hmm. I wonder where my crutches are. I'm hungry as shit." Yachi jumped to her feet, waving her hands frantically. 

"N-No! You are not supposed to get up. I'll cook for you!" She offered. Sakura snorted. 

"Whatever floats your waffle, Yacchan~" 


"I got this, I got this....STOP JuDGInG ME!" Sakura glared at Yachi who was giggling at the sight of her trying to balance her weight on her crutches and grab a plate.  

"I asked if you wanted help, but nooo." She retorted, scraping her portion of breakfast onto her plate. Sakura gave up.

"Okay. Fine. Could you please get me a plate?" Yachi snorted softly, standing on her tippy-toes to grab a plate. "Thanks babe." An adorable red bloomed across the first-year's face and she nearly dropped the plate.

"S-s-sure babe." Yachi sputtered, making Sakura laugh quietly before moving towards the living room as Yachi--who had started to calm down--grabbed their respective plates with two cups of tea balanced on said plates. She had almost expected to go home the day after Sakura's surgery, but she found herself wanting to stay for a week instead of two days. Being around Sakura made her stomach erupt with butterflies, though nervous, were welcome. Everything about Sakura was alluring. Her past in volleyball, her family-like relationship with the team, her dedication to going back to volleyball and her odd dedication to Yachi herself. The first-year always imagined herself growing up a lonely life with designing and many, many cats. But...Yachi sometimes imagined it with Sakura, as silly as it sounded. After all, she supposed, what's one more cat?

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