𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 8 𝚕 𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚜

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"You mean to tell me that you only joined the volleyball club at first because you found Kiyoko...Pretty?" Sakura demanded, sipping her drink. Yachi flushed, but nodded. "Mood." The third-year murmured. "I mean, if Kiyoko was in the club, you know I would have joined. But you know what?" She leaned across the table. "I would've joined in an instant if I knew you were there." The first year hid her face behind her cup, running her hand over the same black cat from earlier, who had somehow ended up in her lap. Sakura couldn't say much, she had Marmalade around her shoulders, purring. They had been there for over thirty minutes, and Sakura was having the time of her life. Yachi had relaxed some, and the pair had been talking about the most random topics. She would never admit it out loud, but Sakura had taken most of the time to stare. She found Yachi just so beautiful. Inside and out, as cheesy as it sounded. Yachi on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying herself. Sakura was patient, always apologized if she crossed a line and seemed genuinely interested in Yachi. And the first-year would be lying if she said she didn't either. 

"You mentioned before you wanted to get into photography. Why did you choose that as a hobby?" Yachi asked, before waving her hands. "Sorry, if that came off as rude." Sakura shook her head. 

"Nah, you're good." She replied. "But, to answer your question...Well, even with volleyball, I was still pretty interested with photography. And when I left volleyball I had the chance to actually pursue it." She shrugged. "Tets pushed me to do it and I ended up really enjoyed working with it." Yachi nodded. 

"I think that's really cool. Have you thought about pursuing it in college?" Sakura shrugged at this. 

"I'm not sure, yet. It doesn't seem like a very stable job at first." She answered. "I mean, Tets and I have saved quite a bit of money...But I never really lost my connection to volleyball. So we're hoping to get my knee redone so I could play again." She thoughtfully rubbed Marmalade. "Weird, huh? I suppose photography will always probably be a hobby." She shrugged again. "I've always thought about if we can't get the surgery, I might try  coaching later in life. If I can't play, watch."  Yachi's head bobbed in agreement. 

"Yeah! You'd make a pretty good coach." She leaned forward. "Hydrate or dydrate, y'know?" Sakura snorted. 

"You heard me?" She asked. Yachi giggled. 

"Yeah. I think I'll have to use that sometime on the boys. They forget sometimes, especially Hinata or Kageyama when they're concentrated." Sakura perked up at this.

"Speaking of which..." A sly grin spread across her face. "Are those two together?" She asked. Yachi shook her head. 

"No, at least I don't think so." She answered. "Why?" 

"Asking for a certain setter." She answered. It took Yachi a second to understand and her eyes widened when it hit her. 

"Kenma?" She asked quietly. Sakura's grin widened, confirming her suspicions. "Oh, wow." She uttered. "That's surprising. Kenma seems to be the person who would prefer someone quieter. Ah! Not that I'm judging or anythin--" She was cut off by the waiter who had attended to them earlier approaching with their check. Sakura nodded at this, pulling out her wallet. Yachi waved her hands frantically. 

"You don't have to pay for my food!" She cried. "I-I can pay for myself!" Sakura never broke eye contact with her as she passed the man money. 

"Isn't that the point of a date? Babe, you don't have to pay 'cause I wanted." The man snickered quietly to himself. 

"She's got a point." He remarked. Sakura smiled. 

"See! This guy know's what's up!" She clapped him on the back. "Thanks broski. I think I'll be coming over here next time we come around." She turned to Yachi, who looked stunned. "Sorry, if I sounded rude." Yachi blinked. 

"Babe?" She echoed. 

"Yeah?" Sakura mumbled, distractedly putting her wallet away. Yachi flushed a deeper red and Sakura's mind caught up to what was going on. "Oh." She uttered. "Oh. Heh, sorry Chibi-Chan. Kinda slipped out." She apologized. "Anywho." She put her hands on the table. "Ready to blow this Popsicle stand?" 


"Are you ever going to tell me what's in that bag?" Yachi asked, peering at the boutique bag. Sakura yanked it away. 

"No." She answered. "Stay back, ye' beast!" Sakura had popped into a small french boutique after they left the cafe and came out with a big paper bag. Currently, Yachi was pestering her with it as they walked back to Nekoma, the sun beginning to kiss the horizon. Sakura would never admit it out loud, but she was not ready for the training week to end. Although, she didn't have too much to worry about, the next training camp was coming up in a month over at Shinzen. A smaller hand tangling loosely with hers dragged Sakura out of her thoughts. She glanced down and smiled at the sight of Yachi holding her hand, the latter looking away with a light blush. Sakura squeezed her hand a little, humming under her breath. She most definitely was looking forward to next month. 


She had a dreamy look on her face when Hinata found her. Sakura, who couldn't get over the fact that she had taken Yachi out on a date and they had--not flexing or anything--held hands didn't notice the ball of sunshine waving in her face until he flicked her forehead. 

"Ow!" She hissed before looking down and realized who it was. "Oh. It's you, Sho-Chan. Hey." She greeted. "And what do I owe the pleasure~?" He shifted from one foot to the other. 

"Um, I don't want to speak out of term, but could you teach me your cut-shot?" 

The color drained from Sakura's face. 

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