Chapter 1: 《Boner》

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I would like to dedicate this book to Jody-Ann Forrestor for showing me that the world is beautiful with the right people in your own universe.
-Tadia Boyd (Writer)

When did you start this book and why? Am curious.

The gym locker room always reeked of victory and testosterone. However, today the scent of girly perfume and cum helped to stain the air.

Drawled over the wooden bench is Westward High's raining quarterback champion: Dave Willow.

Known for keeping his head in the game, and today apparently between the thighs of the school's own little promiscuous devil.

Meet Ashley Fernandez - head cheerleader. One could say, pom-pom's weren't the only balls she could juggle well.

Anyways, back to the situation at hand.

The room was never silent during school hours. It was a place for alcohol exchanges, rough playing and, in today's case, sexual favors.

Dave needed to blow off some steam, and she was the closest available candidate. That was the only reason though, since her moans were annoying as hell and her long nails marked up his body(he had a distaste for marks, explanations were a bitch).

You could say Dave was a master at football and his tongue game. Since after a few minutes, Ashley's shaking legs and arching back signaled the hit of her climax.

"That was great baby." She spoke after trying to catch her breath. Normally, Dave would smirk or shrug but the nickname she used bothered him.

He stood up and brushed himself off. "How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?", he wasn't in the mood to entertain her.

The Asian beauty only shrugged and put her underwear in her purse. "This mysterious and bad boy act won't work on me love." She smiled in self-satisfaction and glossed her lips in the nearby mirror. "I'll see you on Monday?" She doesn't wait for a reply before leaving the room.

Dave shivered in slight disgust before walking over to the pipes and washing his mouth. When the taste didn't lessen, he chewed a mint gum to help.

He glanced around the room to check if he was ready to go, before grabbing his jersey that was taken off earlier and leaving the room.

As the metal door swung open, his eyes fall upon his bestfriend smoking a cigarette?

"Weren't you quitting?" He asks in mock surprise, standing in front of the darkskninned jock.

The other only shrugs, "Eh."

"Shea ain't gone be happy Jordon." Dave says as they start down the corridor.

Jordon Williams, the dude that is known for his never ending chill and 'not-my-business but am going to say it anyway' attitude. He's a fairly good student, he just hands in all his assignments late and tends to smoke on campus.

"Speaking of happiness, you left that Ashley very happy, didn't you?" He punched his shoulder playfully. "What even happened there?"

"Beats me. Hell, I didn't even get a boner. Sometimes I feel like junior here doesn't appreciate beautiful women."

When they stepped in the courtyard, 5:32PM read on Dave's cheap digital watch and he groaned. Dad is gonna kill me. 

They always walked home together since Dave failed his lessons and Jordon got his revoked (he fucked someone in the back seat).

At the stop light the light changes from yellow to red, giving the boys time to run across. Jordon goes ahead and Dave indicates he's about to walk across when a Range Rover Velar almost tramples him. Dave, of course, stayed on the sidewalk and glared at the owner of the vehicle.

Behind the wheel of the silver vehicle is a classmate he's not very familiar with. The tips of his silky black hair gently waving in the breeze, and his locked gaze on Dave almost primitive. One hand gripped the wheel and the other perched halfway out of the window.

As soon as the light turned to green, he was off.

Jordon looked at Dave unimpressed, since they had to wait a little longer to go home.

Dave could care less, as his body felt warm just from the searing gaze. Alex Templeton, Westward's resident attractive nerd just stared at him like he was his next meal. His face displayed his shock and his almost boner showed his enjoyment.


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