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People starred at the girl in awe as she viciously wrote in her journal in the dimly lite library.

She had that habit, of writing to the point where the quill would break or the paper would simple rip.

Honestly, the girl was quite gifted in the writing department.

Besides her smoking, it seemed to calm Alex Potter, giving her a chance to leave reality, even for a couple of minutes and create a world of her liking.

"You'll break it" a strong voice said as they took the quill from the girls hand and placed it on the table.

Alex didn't have to look up to see who it was.

She could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Why are you here so late"  the brunette girl asked as she glanced up at the malfoy boy who hovered over her.

He simply smiled and took a seat next to her, "we're thinking of putting some type of rebellion against Snape for making us tell everyone what our potions smelt like. Some sort of revolution if you will"

The boy was only half joking, he'd never go against a teacher, and yet still wanted to get revenge at Snape for embarrassing him. Tho no one heard what he smelt.

"Are you asking me to join or are you simply rubbing it in my face?"

"Join, you could me my second in command"

Alex smiled and shook her head, "I'll only join if I'm in charge"

Draco simply shrugged, "well then Ms.Potter I'm afraid you can't join"

Alex rolled her eyes playfully before going to grab her quill back from Draco, who somehow picked it up without her noticing.

The boy, who obviously loved to bother the girl, just as much as she loved bothering him, kept moving his hand back, that was until somehow both ended up on the floor, Alex on top of Draco, their faces being only inches apart

Alex could feel the blondes breath hitting her face, and his chest rising and falling

The girl was frozen, she didn't know what to do.

She'd never notice how silver like his eyes were, or how he had smile lines around his mouth.

After a few moments of the pair just staring at each other, both to scared to make a move, someone cleared their throat, causing both to shoot up.

And to Alex's surprise she saw her twin standing a few feet away looking furious.

"Harry look-." Before the girl could continue to try and justify her actions, Harry had already thrown a punch dracos way, causing the blonde to stumble back.

Alex knew how much Harry hated Draco, she didn't know what had gotten into to her but something about the way it felt to be in his embrace made her feel something.

Tho she didn't know what, it felt good.

"You stay away from my sister do you understand me malfoy!" Harry said as he jabbed his finger into dracos chest, causing him to move more and more back.

"Harry stop it!" The girl pleaded trying to get in the middle of the two.

Her brother snapped his neck towards the girl, causing her to gulp.

"Why where you with him Alex! You know how I feel about you being around guys like him! Gosh Alex I thought you where smarter then this! All you ever do is think about yourself-."

"Leave her alone potter! It was my fault okay? I was bothering her now quit yelling at your sister!" Draco said before he took one last look at Alex before Turing around and walking out of the library.

Neither of the potter siblings said anything as they both just looked around the library, unwilling to make eye contact.

"I should get to bed" Harry said before leaving the same way draco did.

So as Alex stood alone in the middle of the library, she wondered how no one saw or at least heard what had just happened.

She looked down and saw the stack of books Harry had knocked over and she began to pick them up before heading off to her own room.

Only being left with the tingling feeling on her waist where Dracos hand had rested during their fall.

For some reason smiling at the memory of both of them being so close together

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