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The next morning the girl woke up still in the arms of Draco, which she was thankful for.

Honestly she thought the boy would leave in the middle of the night

The blonde boy was still sleeping tho, his hair, which seemed to be getting a little to long flew up and down with every breath he took

He looked peaceful, usually during the day the boy tended to put on a cold and mean frontier, making him look unapproachable.

Alex smiled to her self, the boy she thought she hated was now the only reason she was happy.

The only reason she smiled.

Draco began to stir, signaling he was waking up.

With a light groan the blonde turned his head to face the girl, who had closed her eyes again so draco didn't know she was staring.

"Wake up Alex I know you were looking" he said as he began to tickle the girl, causing her to laugh loudly.

Once the girl had finally calmed down the pair heard a knock on the door, causing the two to look at each other in a panic.

"Hide!" She said as she got up and opened the door slightly.

"Oh uh hey ron" she said once she saw the ginger standing in his PJS.

"Morning, I just heard you laugh and wanted to see if everything was okay"

Alex smiled with a nod, "yeah I'm fine, I feel much better today, thank you for your concern but-."

Before the girl could finish the ginger pushed in and took a seat on her unmade bed.

The girl gulped as she looked around the room with no sight of Draco.

She almost screamed when she saw his Slytherin robe on the girls chair, Ron could see it and for sure would tell Harry.

"Harry told me you won't be coming to my house for the break. Are you going to your aunt and uncles then?" Ron said, not seeming to notice the robe.

Alex shook her head, "no actually I'm going to be staying here in the castle. I think some time alone will be good for me"

The boy nodded in agreement, "well we'll miss you. I'm sure mom will be disappointed her favorite potter won't be there" he says with a playful grin, causing the girl to chuckle.

"Yeah well maybe next time."

The pair said their goodbyes, but before Alex could close the door Harry burst in.

"Gosh what's today invade Alex's privacy by coming into her room at the ass crack of dawn"

"You seem better today" Harry said ignoring his sisters sarcastic comment.

"Yeah I feel better" she said with a small smile.

"We've found something that can stop Voldemort from invading our minds" Harry said with a large grin, like it was the best news in the world.

Which truthfully it was, Alex had read every book but could not figure out a way to stop the man from entering her mind.

"Dumbledore said we can both begin practicing Occlumency today"

Alex was overwhelmed, she squealed and threw her arm around Harry's neck, hugging him as tight as possible.

"Thank you thank you!" She said jumping up and down.

"Meet me after breakfast okay? We'll get through this together"

Alex nodded her head and closed the door once Harry was out.

She looked behind her and saw draco begin climbing out of her closet

"You're staying here for the break?" The blonde said as he straightened his shirt.

Alex nodded, still wearing the huge grin, "but that's not important draco! If the Occlumency works I can finally be free!"

The blonde boy tilted his head, signaling that he didn't get it.

The brunette sighed, "it's just, I've felt like I can't think or say things like I normally would. I feel like I'm holding myself back to everyone because of him"

"Are you holding yourself back from me?"

Alex shook her head, "Draco you get me better then anyone does. I could never hide any true thoughts or emotions from you"

After breakfast, as promised Harry waited for his sister and both potters walked to Dumbledores office.

The pair received strange glances from students as they walked the halls laughing with each other.

Alex wasn't surprised, it was very rare to see the twins together, much less having a good time in each others company.

Before Alex and Harry could get any where near Dumbledores office they were pulled into the potions classroom.

"Mr and miss potter take a seat" Snape said.

For a moment Alex wondered how he got both siblings in the classroom so quickly.

She then shrugged, guessing he might have just used a spell.

"We're supposed to be meeting Dumbledore" Alex said as she began to stand up, only to be gently pushed down by professor Snape.

"I'm going to help you two conceal your minds." He said ignoring the girl.

This took Alex by surprise, why would snap want to help the potters. He hated them.

Harry, who seemed to be just as surprised as his sister spoke up, "why do you want to help us?"

"Don't think I like you two, I was simply ordered by Dumbledore"

The older man took a short pause, "now in order to master Occlumency, you must learn to shut off all emotions"

So that's exactly what the potter twins did the whole day.

For Alex shutting off her emotions was a bit easier then it was for Harry.

"You're to hot headed" she joked when Snape had left the two alone for a while.

"How do you do it so easily?" Her brother asked desperately.

Alex sighed, she'd been doing it for years

Putting her true emotions on hold for the pleasure of others.

It wasn't hard for Alex to do it because she was doing it since a young age.

Whenever Alex was angry or upset, no one could tell because she didn't wear her emotions on her face like Harry did.

The girl was able to control herself when the circumstances demanded it, Harry on the other hand was always ready to spring into action.

"You've just got to calm down Harry"

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now