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"I'll kill that child just like I killed your parents. Then I'll kill your brother and leave you for last."

"You'll suffer and I will be glad" the dark voice continued.

She hadn't been here for a while, not since she got pregnant.

But here she was, in the dark room standing only a few feet in front of her worst enemy.

"I won't let you anywhere near them" she said, trying her best to sound in control.

An evil laugh rolled off the monsters lips, "you won't be able to stop me Alexandria. It'll be when you least expect it"

And just as fast and Voldemort appeared, he was gone.

Leaving the girl once again, to pick at her mind and slowly kill herself.

That was his game, he'd take as much of her until there was nothing left.

Until when they finally meet face to face, the once strong and worthy witch that Alex was in the past, simply didn't exist.

He was making her kill herself, slowly. Making her regret every decision she'd ever made until she hated herself more then she already did.

"Ms.Potter we've arrived" the driver called from the drivers seat, causing the girl to wake up.

"Thank you, I can get all my bags" the girl said as she stepped out of the car, carrying her two bags to the door of the tall house.

The Burrow looked dead, like no one was inside, this surprised Alex, because of all the people living there, there was always some noise

The girl dropped her bags and took out her wand, pushing open the door and making her way to the living room.

"Surprise!" A string of voices shouted as the lights turned on.

All the Weasleys where there, excluding Percy, bill and charlie.

"Gosh you guys scared me!" The girl said as she put away her wand and unraveled molly into a hug.

"Do you like it?" Ron asked as he hugged the girl.

"I love it Ron!" The girl said while placing a kiss on the boys cheek.

"We chose the colors"

"George wanted to do red, but I reminded him of how much you liked yellow" Fred and George said as they finished each others sentences.

Alex told them it was perfect and went off to greet everyone else.

Molly was in tears when she saw the girls bump, claiming it was just simply dusty in the house, and it was not at all because the girl seemed to be growing up so quickly.

Arthur hugged the girl and congratulated her

Hermione and Ginny welcomed her with a new sweater they had found, it was perfect.

And lastly was Harry.

"I've missed you H" the girl said as she ran into her brothers arms.

"Me too" me said while breaking apart.

Alex looked around the room to see if anyone was looking, but the rest of the family was to busy chatting with each other.

"I need to speak with you" Alex said as she pulled her brother into one of the empty rooms.

"Both Voldemort and Lucius have threatened to kill me and the baby H. I don't know what to do and I'm scared and-."

"I'll kill him!" Harry said angrily as he paced around the room, not letting his sister finish

The girl let out a quite sob, "Harry no! Lucius said he'd only hurt me if I got in his way, I'm assuming that means you too!"

The boy sighed and looked at his sister, "does draco know?"

The girl shook her head, "no he doesn't. I mean how am I even supposed to tell him. 'Hey draco your dad just threatened to kill me and your child. Have a nice day!"'

Before Harry could reply there was a knock at the door

Alex took a finally glance at Harry before opening it to reveal Remus Lupin.

The girl squealed and threw her arms around the man.

Alex and Remus where quite close, he was always there for the girl when she needed advice.

She liked to think he stepped in as her father figure, even tho she met him when she was 15 years old.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught up with something" Remus explained as he stepped into the room, greeting Harry as well.

Remus congratulated the girl and assured her how proud her parents would be if they saw her now.

After a few more moments of talking the trio stepped out and continued with the party.

It wasn't as big or sparkly as the one Narcissa has thrown, but Alex likes this one more.

She was surrounded with people she loved, and that loved her back.

She felt comfortable around all of them and didn't feel like she had to put up a certain image.

This was home.

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now