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"Hello? Oh-uh are you lost?" Alex said as she opened the front door to reveal a house elf.

She looked awfully a lot like Dobby, her eyes where to big for her head and her ears droopy, she was thin, and looked like she had been hit.

"Master malfoy sends wrinkles to be at your survives ms.potter" the elf said in a high pitched voice

Alex bent down to be closer to the short elf's level

"Lucius sent you? Are you sure? I think I would've received a letter" the girl said in her sweetest voice possible

Wrinkles already looked so timid, she looked so beaten and broke, like she could break at any moment

Alex felt bad, she could only imagine the hell she went through at the malfoys.

"Master malfoy said you need help around the house, that Alex Potter is not capable of caring for baby malfoy"

Alex stood up straight once more and ran her hand over her face, this caused wrinkles to flinch, the potter girl felt a ping of guilt over throw her body

"Come On in wrinkles" Alex said as she stepped aside letting the little house elf in

Alex was alone in the house, Draco had taken Eleanor to some lunch at his parents house, so part of her was wondering if draco knew about this.

Alex then guided her to one of the free rooms that already had a bed

"This is you room" the girl said as she opened the door

When she looked down wrinkles was shaking her head, "wrinkles doesn't get a room with the Malfoy's"

Alex smiled sadly at the house elf, "well you aren't at the Malfoy's anymore dear, why don't you get settled in and I'll make you something to eat?"

After wrinkles put all her stuff down, which wasn't much at all, it was just a small bag containing some old potato bags, the girl assumed she used as clothes.

She felt horrible as she saw wrinkles limp around the house, she looked in pain, so the girl racked her brain for some healing spells that could help a bit.

"Do you mind if I cast a healing spell on you? I'm sure it'll make your leg feel better" Alex asked politely as she sat down next to wrinkles, who was viciously eating a sandwich the girl had made for her

The house elf simply nodded nervously, so Alex took out her wand with a sweet smile, "Vulnera Sanentur" she stared to whisper over all the house elves wounds until they slowly disappeared

Before wrinkles could manage to say anything, Draco came in through the door with Eleanor in his arms

"What is she doing at the table?" The blonde spat as he walked into the dinning room

"She's having lunch, what does it look like Draco?" Alex said back bitterly, she knew draco would manage to get on her nerves today, he always did

Draco harshly grabbed Alex's arm, pulling her into the living room, "she's a house elf Alex, she eats the left overs, you don't make her food"

The girl rolled her eyes, "well maybe In other houses, but here she will be treated kindly and equally, you will be nice to her, and you won't lay a hand on her do you understand?"

The blonde boys body stiffened, "fine" he said with a short nod before walking off to put Eleanor in her room.

The rest of the week was slow, Draco and Alex had barley said a word to each other, only talking when it concerned Eleanor or if draco wanted to complain about wrinkles.

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