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Alex didn't know what happened after that

After the houses vowed to protect Alex and Harry

She remembered molly and Arthur joining them, molly scolding the girl for leaving without warning again

She remembered the order coming, each of them greeting the girl with a respective nod

She remembered the professors using the Protego Horribilis charm to briefly protect the school

But now they were here.

Fighting with any death eaters Voldemort had thrown their way.

None of them seemed to recognize Alex as she they casted spells her way, each time Alex shielding herself and then casted a few of her own

That was until she got to the courtyard, the same one draco had been sitting at when Alex told him she was pregnant

But there standing at the end of the yard was Lucius malfoy, he had his back turned to her

That was until Narcissa tapped his shoulder, making him turn and gave the potter girl who was stomping towards them as she casted a spell here and there to whoever came running at her.

She didn't see the blonde boy that was to her right, who like everyone else, was fighting to stay alive.

But he saw her. He saw her new hair, how her smile didn't grow as wide as it did before she left. He watched just to make sure no one snuck up on her, he watched to keep her safe.

He watched as the hatred in her eyes grew with each step she took towards his father

And in that moment the blonde boy chose a side.

Between bad and good

Between his father and his love.

He quickly ran up to the girl, trying to grab her hand, but he was pushed away by some other Gryffindors who moved to be at the girls side

She didn't even look at him.

"You're supposed to be dead" Lucius said bitterly once the girl was was close enough for her to hear

Everyone around them Halted their fighting, curious to see what the girl would do

But Alex didn't say anything as she took out her wand and pointed it at the blonde, who seemed to step back in fear

"You will pay for what you did to my daughter!" The girl shouted as she casted a spell, sending Lucius flying back

Before Alex couldn't cast another Bellatrix appeared in front of her with an evil grin

"Well well well what do we have here." She taunted as she stepped closer to Alex, who still stood her ground

"Oh you're a pretty one, my nephew always liked pretty things, ever since he was a small boy" she continued

"I'm sure the dark lord with be pleased to hear he can kill both potters today" the women said, lifting her wand and sending Alex flying back

Before Alex would even get up the older women casted another, "Crucio!"

The Pain was to much, Alex saw nothing as she stayed on the ground, yelling in pain, begging someone to help

"thats enough bella!" Lucius shouted at his sister in law, who obeyed and stopped

Alex then stood, grabbing her wand and raising it to her opponent

"You just don't give up do you potter?"

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now