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Four months had passed, Alex looked like she could pop at any moment.

The brunette and blonde has fixed the problem.

Draco had cut Pansy out completely, even tho that's not what Alex had asked. She said it was okay for him to have female friends, that most of her friends where guys.

She just didn't want him kissing them.

It wasn't an easy thing to get over, there was a lot of yelling and throwing things.

All of it being of Alex's part

Everyone was growing more nervous as the due date grew closer and then passed, Alex and Draco where slowly becoming aware about how unprepared they were.

They'd stay up late at night reading and studying about parenthood.

Draco seemed to be the perfect dad already, he knew everything. What to do if the child was choking. How they should sleep and so on.

Alex on the other hand felt as she knew nothing. Madame Poppy has been giving her lessons on how to change diapers and the best way to shower an infant.

But no matter how much Alex practiced, or how perfect she got. She never felt like she was ready.

She didn't think she'd ever be ready, but hey, she was just a 16 year old girl about to give birth.

So who would be ready?

But, Dumbledore had ordered the girl on bed rest since her due date pasted

One week after the day the baby was supposed to come and it still wasn't here.

Harry had made sure the girl didn't leave her room, and Draco had stayed by her side the whole time.

"You'll be a great mother, the best to ever exist"
Draco said to the girl as he rubbed her stomach, which at this point looked bigger then Alex.

Word had gotten around that the girl was pregnant, but Dumbledore made sure to quickly shut that rumor down, and Alex was great full.

She would start telling people sooner or later.

When she was ready

"The times almost here darling" her mother said as she moved the girls hair away from her face.

She was seeing both of them, and somehow Draco had left.

But this time, instead of being in the potters old house, they were in her prefect bedroom.

"I'm not ready" Alex mumbled, she was tired.

She hadn't slept, the baby made her want to pee or puke every two seconds

James smiles at his daughter, "you'll be great, I'm sure if it"

Alex shook her head with a smile, "dracos amazing, you guys would've loved him. He's so good to me" the girl said as she talked about her boyfriend in admiration.

"What about that girl he was kissing a couple months back?" Her mother questioned

"Oh lily, that girl is just a poor mans Alex." Her father cut in, causing Alex to smile.

Alex laughed, "what does that even mean?"

Her father simply shrugged his shoulders, "it means you're the richer better version. Trust me, I know"

Alex laughed but quickly stopped, "I just want you guys to be proud of me" she whispered

"Oh honey, we've been proud of you and your brother the second You two came into this world" her mother said as she placed a kiss on the girls sweaty forehead

There was a horrible pain in the girls stomach.

She winced, "it hurts" she said as she looked in between her mother and father

"It's happening" lily said in excitement as she jumped up and hugged her husband

"Well then we should be on our way, good luck dear" her father said before both of them disappeared

She was back, and she was surrounded by Practically everyone she knew

"What's happening?" She asked as another shot of pain came.

"Your water broke, you're in labor." Harry said as he rubbed the girls shoulder

She heard Dumbledore tell someone they had to get her to the medical wing.

"I can walk" Alex said as she slowly sat up

"No no! We'll find another way" hermione said as she forced the girl back down.

She didn't know how, but the group somehow got the girl to were she needed to be without any students noticing.

Another contraction came, causing the girl to yell out in pain

"We've got to give her something, there has to be some spell!" Ron said loudly

"No! I have to do this without magic! Natural birth that's how I planned this!" The girl shouted at the ginger

She knew she'd feel bad about that later, but right now she was in to much pain to care.

She didn't know when but somehow Molly Weasley had appeared, holding the girls hand and whispering comforting things in the girls ear

She was great full someone who had given birth was with her, molly knew the pain and what the girl was going through.

The twins, Ginny and Ron seemed to be in more pain then the girl, they all stood in a corner, wincing every time the girl yelled

Hermione was keeping her distance, watching from afar.

Harry looked like he wanted to help his sister, but couldn't find the correct way to approach her.

Molly was still at the girls side

And Draco, he looked like he was about to faint but still let the girl squeeze his hand as tight as she wanted

When she tried to apologize he simply said, "oh please darling, you're pushing a human out of you, a little hand squeezing won't do me any harm"

Nine months, that's how long the girl had carried the baby.

Eight, that's the number of people in her family that where there to witness it, one way or another

Seven hours of hard painful labor

Six possible names the teens still had to choose from when the baby came

Five times she was almost positive she would die

Four nurses there to help

Three doctors

And Two teen parents scared to death

But it only took

One second for Alex to fall in love with her daughter, one second for Alex to be sure she was willing to risk it all for her

After the baby girl was placed in Alex's arms, all the pain and trouble her pregnancy had caused her, suddenly seemed unimportant.

Like they didn't even exist

Because seeing the little girls blonde hair, like dracos, and green emerald eyes, like her moms, the new mother had fallen head over heels for the something minute old baby.

She had finally realized what it was like

To have a love worth dying for.

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