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About two months have passed since Eleanor came into the world.

The first couple of weeks were a bit hard for the new parents, turns out it doesn't matter how much you studied, you won't truly know how to do anything until you've actually experienced it.

The girls brother had been trying to help as much as he could, tho no matter how many times he tried he couldn't seem to figure out how to change a diaper

Alex and Draco has eventually told the school they had a baby, most Gryffindors where a bit shocked it was dracos, because apparently Alex was not the type to get with a Slytherin.

Most of Dracos friends didn't really care, tho they did start being nicer the the girl in the hallways.

Despite what the letter said, Narcissa still hadn't come to visit, which confused both Alex and Draco

So there the girl was, covered in vomit on a Saturday in her private room, with Eleanor peacefully asleep in her crib

"She's here go get ready!" Draco said as he sprinted into the room

Alex jumped up, "who's here?"

"My mother!"

Alex's eyes popped out of her eyes, she grabbed her wand and quickly ran Into the bathroom

After castings a few spells to make her look presentable she stepped out to the sight of Draco cradling Eleanor, tilting her slightly so Narcissa could see her

She could see some tears in the older women's eyes as she looked at the baby, "hello Narcissa" Alex greeted as she walked closer to the pair

The women looked up with a smile, "oh dear, she's just a little bundle of sunshine isn't she?"

Alex smiled and nodded in agreement

After a moment the blondes mother took a seat on the rocking chair, carefully taking Eleanor from Draco and swaying her back and forth

"I've come with news" she said as she looked in between the parents

Draco nodded, signaling for her to continue

"Lucius and I have purchased a house under both your names, so on breaks and over the summer you two have somewhere to take little Eleanor"

Before either teens could register what was happening, Narcissa handed Eleanor back to Alex and walked out

"She left keys and an address" Draco said as he picked up the piece of paper that his mother had left.

Alex looked at her boyfriend in shock, she always had to work for the things she wanted, and she was working hard to save money for a house.

She had been taking jobs on the weekend at hogsmead, without anyone knowing. But now everything was being fed to her on a silver plater

Tho she was appreciative, she didn't like it.

The next morning the parents got ready, and changed Eleanor into her clothes for the day, making sure to bring a light sweater for her just in case it got windy later on.

Draco had suggested they took her out for a couple hours, since she had been practically locked up in the school since she was born.

Alex was a bit nervous, what if something happened to her when they were out?

But despite the mothers worries, they trio walked down the the village, Eleanor being in dracos arms, they had to stop every so often for the people that wanted to see Eleanor.

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now